Dennis Rodman Offers To Help In Meetings Between Trump And Kim Jong Un

in #news7 years ago

Last week, US president Donald Trump shocked the world by accepting an invitation to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Kim reportedly sent a delegation from South Korea to the White House last week to set up possible peace talks, and send the message that he was willing to make concessions to his nuclear programs in order to de-escalate tensions between the two governments.

“North Korea has not conducted a Missile Test since November 28, 2017, and has promised not to do so through our meetings. I believe they will honor that commitment!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

During a recent rally in Moon Township, Pennsylvania, Trump told the crowd that the meeting could result in “the greatest deal for the world” or on the other hand he could “leave fast” if things don’t turn out his way.

“Who knows what’s going to happen? I may leave fast or we may sit down and make the greatest deal for the world,” Trump said.

Dennis Rodman, the former NBA star who was also a contestant on Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice has voiced his support for the potential deal, as he has been somewhat of an unofficial diplomat between the United States and North Korea since developing a strange friendship with Kim Jong Un.

Through his spokesman, Christopher Volo, Rodman told the press that he has wanted peace between these two countries since he first visited North Korea.

“We believe talks with Regime will do great things for both nations. Dennis believes President Trump is the perfect leader to help us with the DPRK conflict we would both love to go back to the DPRK and help in any way possible,” Volo said.

Volo also said that the North Korean leader expressed respect for Donald Trump in his last meeting with Rodman, prior to Trump becoming president.

Rodman made a visit to North Korea last year, and the trip was sponsored by the cannabis-themed cryptocurrency Potcoin.

“He has the unique, amazing relationship between both President Trump and Marshall Kim Jong Un. He is the only man to have a relationship and be friends with both people,” a Potcoin rep said in a promotional video with Rodman.

After his last trip to North Korea, Rodman told The Guardian, “I’ve been trying to tell Donald since day one: ‘Come talk to me, man. I’ll tell you what the Marshal wants more than anything.”

The talks between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are expected to begin in May.

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My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

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I am pretty mad at Trump over his appeasement of the gun grabbers, I feel like that may be just the beginning, but if he actually meets with Kim that is awesome. To actually end the Korean war, after over half a century, would be a stunning achievement. The stunning part being that his predecessors were unwilling to have such a meeting. It will be funny to watch the MSM spin that into a negative.
Did you see my charity drive to save some oppressed people?
What do you think about these people actually being convicted of speech crimes?

that charity is awesome, thank you for sharing!

Thank you for your generous support!

This is interesting. The Rodman connection is strange but I hope he can be a voice of reason...that sounds crazy, Rodman the voice of reason. After all, it's not methods but the results that count.

peak idiocracy achieved lol...i oddly would feel more comfortable with Rodman mediating between them two clowns lol you are right, between them two, Rodman is the voice of reason lol

Idiocracy indeed my friend. I'd trust Mr. Rodman over any politician for sure. He's the kind of crazy that doesn't' want to control, hurt, steal.or kill people. Shocking people is about the worst one can expect from the Rodman. The other two are far more dangerous.

Rodman is regular crazy... not a psychopath.

LOL rodman the voice of reason

That's just precious. I think this image was ripped directly from one of my nightmares.

I have been saying for a while that the best thing to do would be just to use Rodman as a human shield anywhere Kim threatened to attack.

Nice plan bro. I second that.

eye of the tiger bro !!!

stealing the "methods & results" quote

It's not mine anyway. Enjoy.

Kim is very nice man, He is the best of all nuclear powers against Donald trump...

This could really be massive.

Wooow great post johnvibes.

it's a very bold conclusion to be taken by both world leaders, but I do not think that's going to happen

I'm wondering if we could just have Rodman handle it? Leave Trump home? The thought of Trump and Kim sitting down and chatting makes me wonder if there is a way to get off the planet quickly. lol

I must be serious wth this, I fear that korean president oooo.. The man dont laugh atall and such a creatures are very tough to deal with..

Dennis Rodman--Super Statesman! Lol!

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