Fear is a Liar 2. America the Great

in #news7 years ago (edited)


9/6/1998 this aired. But i block out the laughs because they try to make it a joke. This is to make it seem ok to take our 1st amendment right.
Do you want to see American heros honorned not shamed?
Look at the homeless Vets in California
In 2006 1 out of 4 homeless were Vets.



I love the piggyback soldier image. It is tiny plastic army men.

Plastic men are from ww1 but ya total badass, both of them. Thanks for the support. Let me ask you something.
Would you rather have a train that can travel from san fran to la in 1 hour and it cost 3-7 billion dollars to bulid or help the homeless; lets just say the 55,000 homeless in los angeles which 76% are Vets?

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