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RE: U.S. To Regulate Cryptocurrency Worldwide

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The Saturn Cult Cabal are a group of Khazar, Talmudic, Jews that originate from Khazaria, with a belief system that can be traced back to Sumeria, Egypt, Phoenicia Canaan through the Druids of Europe ( The Bankers of today who used the same demonic Babylonian money system & black magic ) to the Ancient City of Rome, which was called the City of Saturn. The same Roman empire that conquered Europe and forcibly converted the original Norse, European, peoples to Christianity. This Cabal are a group of EL-ites that follow the Talmud, Kabbalah and worship EL - the Star of Saturn and the Black Cube.

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The Cabal are the City of London, (Rothschild's & Royals) City of Rome, (Vatican) Washington D.C and their Star of Saturn, State of Is-ra-EL. These people use Freemasonry & the compartmentalization of Information to control society. Through the control of the Information and media and the use of subliminal messaging within TV programming and video games they are able to manipulate the minds of the masses. The Idea for their long established plan of a New World Order was first thought up way back In the late 1800s. Part one of this article Is about their ownership of 90% of the mainstream media and part two will explain their subversion and control of the alternative media, via a well known disinformation program called COINTELPRO. "The best way to control the opposition, Is to lead It ourselves." 'Vladimir llyich Lenin'


The mainstream media, In the US, has been consolidated In to only six companies, hundreds of TV channels, websites, news outlets, newspapers and magazines that make up 90% of all media are controlled by very few people, giving the people of America and Europe the Illusion of free choice. Now while only six companies being In control of the vast majority of the western worlds media, may sound like a sinister NWO arrangement, the Swiss Propaganda Research Centre, SPR, has just released Information that shows It's even worse than that. The research group was able to tie all these media companies to a single organization and this organization Is the Council On Foreign Relations, CFR. The CFR Is a primary member of the circle of Washington D.C ( which Is the military centre of the Cabal ) think tanks that promote endless war, to allow the endless expansion of the Military Industrial Complex. It must be noted that the United States Is a Corporation, owned and run by the same people that control the Federal Reserve and NASA, the Saturn Cult Cabal.

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The CFR acts as a primary provocateur, using psychological suggestion to create a false narrative of danger, from some foreign entity, with the primary objective being to create paranoia and fear within the US population, that It Is under Imminent threat of attack or takeover. When you take a look at the chart laid out by the SPR you can see one vast single organization, you soon realize how these Talmudic, EL-ite, psychopaths have guided Americans In to accepting endless wars, at the expense of American sons and daughters.
Top journalists and executives, from all major media companies, are Integrated In to the CFR and when we look at the chart we can clearly see this. The CFR Is In primary control of the mainstream media, It has more control than even the Bilderberg group and the Tri-Lateral Commission, we can clearly see that all these things feed In to one group here.
The CFR does not merely analyze and Interpret foreign policy, for the United States Corporation, they help create It. This group of unaccountable, un-elected, professional propagandists, within America, don't simply analyze US government policy, they make It.


Very nice post!
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