Islamic state: its origin, beliefs, and the reason for their attacks

in #news8 years ago

¿What it is the Islamic state?

Today we have reached intengrantes hear news about the Islamic state, which caused attacks in different countries, from France to the United States, Belgium, Germany, countries that apparently have strong protocols security against these terrorists.
Perhaps we wondered what the reason for these attacks, who are and who believe?

To understand what is the Islamic state must first understand the following:

  • In the Islamic state it is based?
  • As the Islamic state was formed?
  • What is the religion of the Islamic state?
  • What is the reason for the attacks?

¿In the Islamic state is based?

The Islamic state is based on attempting to impose sharia, ie Islamic law, the sharia, also known as Saria, sharia or Islamic law (Arabic: شريعة إسلامية, šarīʕah al-Islamiya) is a code or law of conduct for governed strictly, there rules concerning the cult morality include, contains separating rules between good and evil, speak about what is allowed and what is prohibited, it promotes a way of life that is more than a system civil or criminal justice

Although the sharia is adopted by most Muslims and practitioners as a matter of personal conscience or moral guidance, is a espesificamente religious code that governs all aspects of life sharia can be found on the Koran, the hadith, the ijtma, and ijtihad, and siginifica the path of peace

Several states have instituted as law and have formed courts to ensure compliance totally sharia these countries have self referred to as the Islamic state, although other countries have also taken on parts of sharia and have implemented it in their constitutions.

Source wikipedia image.

Map English countries and their use of sharia: blue, state sharia; dark green, state sharia with other judicial systems; light green, sharia at regional level; very pale green, sharia law as a family.

¿How is the Islamic state was formed?

622, year of the Hegira, lays the foundation of the Islamic state through the Constitution of Medina. The legal basis of the newborn state is the Koran. Allah, appointed on Earth a series of lieutenants form of government of the Arab people, but did not specify who would take care of it after the demise of the Prophet, forcing a subsequent legal and religious development. The hadiths noted the need to appoint a ruler, caliph or imam who govern the Muslim people.
Today it was founded as the organization for the next jihad monoteirsmo and to alquaeda, it was formed by faithful radicals among them Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi thus forming the caliphate from Mosul, Iraq calling for loyalty to all Muslims of the world

The Islamic state is considered a proto as it has under its dominions several territories between Iraq and Syria, also called the Daesh

¿What it is the religion of the Islamic state?

The religion founded by Muhammad is Islam teachings we can find in the Koran, and their texts have different interpretations of practitioners groups of Islam and thus led some to interpret extremist and violent as is the case of the jihadist group Islamic State
His severe interpretation of the Koran and other texts of Islam to the extent of accusing of treason as infidels and Islam have adopted very freely interacting with other religions and have gone to deal with the West.

¿What it is the reason for the attacks?

The countries targeted with these attacks are mainly as part of the coalition of nations that has echo presence in the territories of Iraq, also by perceived opponents of jihad to anyone who is not of their same ideologies, treat them as enemies not abide by its principles

My opinion on the subject

Personally leaving objectivity aside I think throughout history to been armed conflicts either by political or religious ideologies that have caused pain and suffering to mankind, man's desire to acquire more power has led him to commit the most heinous crimes in history have ignored a great truth, man was not created to govern, was created to be governed not by themselves, but by the creator.


The real reason how ISIS become.

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