The renewal of Clinton's email scandal and possible conspiracy - Clinton's IT guy outed on Reddit in the middle of "terrorist attacks" and "threats"

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Ok, lets get the boring stuff out of the way first - another scandal. Maybe a renewal of one of her current scandals.

Clinton's IT guy, Paul Combetta who was granted immunity by the DOJ, has been outed on Reddit for asking how to remove emails and email address from archived records for an "Very VIP" two years ago... Clinton.

From Reddit user DrWeeGee

Proof of Confirmation:
Paul Combetta has received immunity from the FBI:
user/StoneTear has posted about his interest about hiding and deleting links to an email address he claims to be "VERY VIP"
user/StoneTear confirmed for Paul Combetta (Main one linking the name and user name)
Has AKA's:
StormTear / StoneTear / StonePear / PuterBild / ST|Gone and about a million other nicks :) (Contains pictures and References to username)
Further Confirmation For His Link to These AKA's
We need eyes on these AKA's because there could be much more there.
Repost this, upvote this, shout this from the roof tops, tell your friends, tell your family.
They will try to bury this.
TL;DR Paul Combetta while under investigation for providing aid to Hillary Clinton with running her email server posted on reddit requesting assistance in deleting or hiding emails for a "VERY VIP" employer.
edit: The user has deleted each and every reddit post (I watched his posts disappear one by one) for a little over 20 minutes. u/ stonetear is now empty, but Reddit has archives

From Reddit user stopf1ndingme:
Holy shit I came across this post by stonetear
It's for a "lost dog in narragansett, rhode island". The data above shows that Paul currently lives in narragansett. You can trawl through his archived posts and there's so many little pieces of evidence that link stonetear and Paul Combetta.
I normally am extremely sceptical of /r/conspiracy but this is fucking real. Holy shit.

From Reddit user ClintonsCrustyCunt:


  • Paul Combetta, is guilty in trying to help cover up a "Very VIP's" archived emails, which gives the FBI the "intent" they were looking for, right? Too bad Combetta has been given immunity so... yea... boring. Nothing will come of the House "investigating" this Reddit claim because, government. Bill and Killary own the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. with the help of Obama and Bush. Only thing that will stop Clinton from becoming president is death.

    On to the conspiracy. Conspiracy comes from the Old French conspiracie "conspiracy, plot," from Latin conspirationem (nominative conspiratio) "agreement, union, unanimity".

    Let's say the FBI, CIA, or NSA learn what is going to be released. Do you think it is beyond them to set up a false flag operation on or around this day? The FBI is monitoring hundreds of individuals throughout the U.S. so convincing one to attack wouldn't be difficult. Those controlling Clinton have no issue with targeting the innocent.

    Let's take stock of everything going on over the past two days.

    Everything started two days ago with a garbage can exploding in Seaside Park, NJ, along a Marines Special Operations Command (MARSOC) 5k run and walk event race route. Luckily, no one was hurt during the explosion. Next were the explosive devices found in Chelsea NJ, NYC, where one exploded injuring at least 29 people. This kicked off a manhunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami, which ended after a shootout with police. His bail has been set at $5.2 million for the shootout alone.

    Notable threats today:

  • Suspicious package - Capitol Boulevard - Raleigh, NC
  • Suspicious package - Capitol Hill - Seattle, WA
  • Suspicious item - Qualcomm Stadium, Sand Diego, CA
  • Suspicious package - National Mall, Washington, D.C.
  • Suspicious pipe - Fullerton, CA
  • Bomb threat and masked intruder - Eagle Mountain, UT
  • Suspicious package - Boulder, CO
  • Suspicious package - Orlando, FL
  • Now this could all be coincidence and people only get panicked after an attack, which you could see a spike in "suspicious packages" being found, but when you are dealing with corrupt rulers who have money, power, means, and motive do you really want to brush it all off as coincidence? Not hard to drop items off and call in a threat or suspicious package found. This keeps news and media outlets glued to the "terrorist threats" ignoring major issues taking place like the corruption taking place throughout the government. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

    Also in other news, two days ago Russia accused the U.S. of defending ISIS and Syria called off their ceasefire due to U.S. actions.

    Ever heard the speech that got JFK murdered?

    My name is Jeffrey Hann, @jeffreyahann, and I'm an anarchist/voluntarist, Army veteran, business analyst, graphics and website designer, and content creator. I have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism. I strive to live my life through voluntary actions and valuing rights. I co-own Journalistic Revolution (Facebook and YouTube) and JRev Radio (Facebook). We strive to be a factual and honest open sourced news organization.

    Hi Jeffrey - that was very interesting to read. Share your views ! I try to stay away from conspiracy and base everything just on facts, although I like pointing people to article like this one so that they cna start thinking away from the TV propaganda...

    Thanks! I try to stick with facts too but I do like to analyze these things to see the what ifs. Our government is very corrupt and things like this are not above them.

    Poor kennedy, and poor us for losing him. You could tell he was a genuine one, because he was pragmatic enough to deal directly with the enemy communist Vietnam-- the Vietnam war was originally US vs "capitalists" (read: fascists) in Vietnam instead of getting into a shit-storm of a war. And here we are, how many presidencies later, entirely embroiled in what Kennedy described here?

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