North Dakota calls up National Guard to support the construction of an oil pipeline and theft of Native American land

in #news8 years ago (edited)

If you haven’t been following what has been going on, a war over land has started. One side, crony capitalists using the government and eminent domain to steal land from Native Americans for an oil pipeline and the other side hundreds of tribes, with thousands in support, protesting peacefully. This gathering of tribes has been one of unprecedented scale. This theft and violation of rights has been going on for months but it has only been recently that the news started “reporting” on it.

Of course when mainstream media picks up the story they only focused on the “violence” that broke out.

“Morton County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Donnell Preskey said four private security guards and two guard dogs were injured after several hundred protesters confronted construction crews Saturday afternoon at the site just outside the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. One of the security officers was taken to a Bismarck hospital for undisclosed injuries. The two guard dogs were taken to a Bismarck veterinary clinic, Preskey said.”

No doubt tensions are high but what do you expect when you steal land and then hire armed guards with dogs to let loose on the protesters after spraying up to a hundred with pepper spray? This is also after getting the government to ban Native Americans from protesting. Protesting a pipeline that is part of a 2 billion dollar cash deal set to take place towards the end of 2016. Obama was asked about this situation, a situation where his administration is allowing the theft of Native America land, and here is his answer:

What an asshole… He doesn’t care about anything and does nothing but lie…

Presidential candidate Jill Stein at least has the balls to stand up for something important. Stein is being charged with “criminal trespass and criminal mischief, both Class B Misdemeanors. Video displays Stein and Baraka spray painting construction equipment on private property. These actions took place during a Dakota Access Pipeline protest on 9-6-16”. There is no law too small that the government will not kill you over... and police enforcement officers will be the ones leading that charge.

Even Leonardo DiCaprio stood with the protesters against the creation of the oil pipeline.

Now, after these “violent” protests, where poor armed guards with dogs got injured, the North Dakota government has called up its National Guard to “assist local law enforcement responding to the Dakota Access Pipeline protests”….

We all know what can happen when the National Guard enters into the mix with protestors.

Some of the National Guard supporters in the above video show how statism sounds and is regardless of the decade.

This entire situation is riddled with government corruption (crony capitalism), violations of a multitude of rights, yet the masses ignore reality instead focusing on if celebrities and athletes stand or sit for a song and flag (my thoughts on what made America great). Statism and nationalism are cancers that will eventually kill a society or community. Any violation of rights should be opposed at every step.

We need to stand against those who violate rights, any rights, especially against a government... We need to make America defiant again...

My name is Jeffrey Hann, @jeffreyahann, and I'm an anarchist/voluntarist, Army veteran, business analyst, graphics and website designer, and content creator. I have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism. I strive to live my life through voluntary actions and valuing rights. I co-own Journalistic Revolution (Facebook and YouTube) and JRev Radio (Facebook). We strive to be a factual and honest open sourced news organization.

The oil company has bought or leased all of that land the protesters were trespassing. More importantly a pipeline is an order of magnitude safer than what they are doing now, running the oil on tracks and trucks. Stupid to not put a pipeline in.

Why are the Injuns so mad? Were they doing anything w/the land being used for the pipeline?

Are you saying theft is acceptable?

I'll take this to mean that they weren't doing anything w/the land...

I've checked it out and this land doesn't even belong to the Injuns, LOL!

From 2011?
Most pipelines that leak or go bad are neglected, not allowed to be replaced, people protest them etc. More oil is leaked or lost via truck or rail on a per barrel. Don't get me wrong I am not pro oil or own oil stock. I am against using fossil fuels in the modern age. We need to move to Nukes, Solar and Wind. If you are going to use it, make it safer and cleaner. Current pipeline technology and the monitoring that goes into it is way safer. 40 or 50 year old pipelines need to be replaced.

The only point that rings of truth from psamuelson is We need to move to Nukes, Solar and Wind. We need to free ourselves of our addition to fossil fuel who's time has come to an end. With each oil spill there is huge ecological damage and when was the last time you were able to drink Federal reserve notes? Seriously. Get real.

I'm pro oil & own oil stocks...its an efficient, reliable, and clean fuel source which powers our 1st world lifestyle. All the idiots protesting against oil are just spoiled, rich, Westerners who hand-wring all while using fossil fuels to power their comfy lifestyles. To hell w/the enviro-religious-lunatics who have been brainwashed by TPTB. Alex Epstein destroys anti-fossil fuel enviro-nuts all the time...

LOL, the pipeline isn't even on Injun land...

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