Crypto Bubble? Where is the Real Bubble?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Crypto Bubble? Where is the Real Bubble?


It will be a pleasure to open your eyes and show you real data to know where the real bubble is. There is basically an economic bubble everywhere we see, let's start!

As the United States has a lot of influence around the world, when they go down, the whole world start going down along with it. If you don't believe me, look at the GDP influence in the world:

As GDP is only a number to measure each country's economics health, they are all depended with each other through imports, exports, currencies, stocks, etc.

So let me show you the bubbles in the US.

US National Debt:

Student loans Debt, credit cards and auto loans debt:


The cryto is not a bubble, it is a transfer of money from the old messed up system to a new one that benefits all of us because we are the ones creating the money, so we get the power back.

This new system will make governments be just a voluntary system like it was in the 1700' or 1800' where we provide to it for what we all need and if you don't agree, you stop giving. Central banks will definitely go away because WE DON'T NEED THEM anymore with this new system. They have been the ones slaving us and this needs to end to free ourselves from them.

**Hope this information gives more trust to invest in cryptos more than ever. **

"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".

Stay blessed.


You are right my friend there is a major economic bubble with fiat currency. It is not just in the US but worldwide. It will burst and I think this time the recession will be a depression that will take many, many years to come out of. There needs to be some big changes!

Great piece my friend!!

Agree with you, many don't even have any idea of what is coming. I'm glad you are wake my friend.

The meditation keeps me woke :D

we are living in a bubble that will not ever pop up

I will my friend!

Hello My Friend @javybar'

well said about, your topic has a message for all.
Its true that many people think its a bubble and you describe very well eith the example of USA. and now it is clear that it is not a bubble. anyway we are proud to be a Steemians.
Your these lines are impresseive.

"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".

Thankful to you for always Supporting on my posts. here is my love ,Support for you as my tiny vote compare to you. (my english is not so good so ignore errors)

Clearly not a bubble my friend!

Estaba buscando información así clara. Porque muchos explican y solo quedo en la mismas. Muchas publicaciones tienen todo tipo de información herrada tomada de datos falsos.

Pues explicarlo de esta manera no es facil, pero un resumen de lo que va a pasar al final. El market de cryptos es como el bote salvavidas de el colapso que viene pronto ya que la avalacha que viene no sera buena. Solo mira a Grecia y Venezuela y eso es loq ue viene para muchos paises en cadena. La deudas de un pais y deudas individuales no se pueden sostener por mucho tiempo. Para mi ver, 2018 va a ser decisivo.

Unless… The markets are in a bubble yet again… and much bigger than the last 2… I suggest you study economy cycles and learn what a bubble is — it is not about the prices. It’s all about the psychology. It’ll be very helpful for you in understanding blockchains.

The markets are already in a bubble. You have stock Market going the roof with the help of central banks printing money to buy their shares (not sustainable), You have student loans debt (i'm one of them with over $85K I can't pay with one job) and many are defaulting on their loans. You have housing market already inflated like in 2007 (just look at the prices like San Francisco), You have the US dollar devaluating over time being worth $0.03 per dollar since 1913 (since FED came in), you have many countries leaving the petro dollar and this time, i don't think US will intervene with wars in many countries more to get them back on board. I think psychology you are using doesn't go with people's reality and history.

thanky you!

great analysing this will definitely help me

Off course this is the voice of most of the people around the world and I do agree 100% with your statement:
The cryto is not a bubble, it is a transfer of money from the old messed up system to a new one that benefits all of us because we are the ones creating the money, so we get the power back.

Now the lives of a common man are changing slowly. Old pathetic system is no more acceptable. These are the most beautiful lines of the day and of year 2018 so far as well. You're really appreciable specially for this love:

"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".

"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".

"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"

"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".

All the very best Sir @javybar. Keep it up and Stay Blessed!

Yes, my friend
The subject is really amazing Thanks I've loved this so much
Has been upvote

A pleasant thought, we can utilize your day by day distributions regarding this matter, to be sure to make the privilege decision.

❤Published at the top of the tender radiant Sir always thank you for sharing I appreciate your great effort

Thanks for great information,thanks for sharing.

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