#News | Zuckerberg Released Facebook Stock IDR 168 Trillion | Zuckerberg Lepas Saham Facebook IDR 168 Triliun

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Mark Zuckerberg plans to sell between 35 million shares up to 75 million shares of his Facebook within the next 18 months.


With the price per share in the figure of 170 US dollars, it means that shares to be released the founder and CEO of Facebook can reach 12.7 billion US dollars or more than Rp 168 trillion.


What's wrong?

Apparently Zuckerberg wants to fund Chan Zuckerberh Initiative, the charity he founded with his wife, Priscilla Chan, in 2015.

"We have a lot of work at Chan Zuckerberg Initiavite, along with scientists, educators, and doctors around the world who need support today, not decades to come," Zuckerberg wrote in a post on Facebook Friday. Initially, as summarized KompasTekno from CNBC on Sunday (24/09/2017), Zuckerberg plans to create a new stock category on Facebook that does not give voting rights to the holder.


In this way, Zuckerberg can sell some of his shares while maintaining control over Facebook, even if he holds little ownership in the company.


However, lately the value of Facebook shares continue to rise so that Zuckerberg sold enough small part of its stock just to be able to get large amounts of funds for the foundation Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The plan to create a new stock category was canceled.

"I affirm, this does not change my plans and Priscilla to release 99 percent of Facebook shares we have all my life," Zuckerberg said.

Zuckerberg had promised to release almost all of his ownership of Facebook for charity. If totaled, shares owned by Zuckerberg Facebook worth 70 billion US dollars or more than Rp 930 trillion. Source



Mark Zuckerberg berencana menjual antara 35 juta lembar hingga 75 juta lembar saham Facebook miliknya dalam waktu 18 bulan ke depan.

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Dengan harga per lembar saham di angka 170 dollar AS, berarti saham yang akan dilepas sang pendiri dan CEO Facebook tersebut bisa mencapai 12,7 miliar dollar AS atau lebih dari Rp 168 triliun.


Ada apa gerangan?

Rupanya Zuckerberg ingin mendanai Chan Zuckerberh Initiative, organisasi amal yang didirikannya bersama sang istri, Priscilla Chan, pada 2015 lalu.

“Kami punya banyak pekerjaan di Chan Zuckerberg Initiavite, bersama ilmuwan, pendidik, dan dokter di seluruh dunia yang butuh dukungan hari ini, bukan berdekade-dekade mendatang,” tulis Zuckerberg dalam sebuah posting di Facebook Jumat kemarin.


Awalnya, sebagaimana dirangkum KompasTekno dari CNBC, Minggu (24/9/2017), Zuckerberg berencana membuat kategori saham baru di Facebook yang tidak memberikan hak voting kepada pemegangnya.


Dengan begini, Zuckerberg bisa menjual sebagian saham miliknya dengan tetap mempertahankan kendali atas Facebook, meskipun dia hanya memegang sedikit kepemilikan di perusahaan tersebut.


Namun, belakangan nilai saham Facebook terus naik sehingga Zuckerberg cukup menjual sebagian kecil sahamnya saja agar bisa mendapatkan dana berjumlah besar untuk yayasan Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Rencana membuat kategori saham baru pun dibatalkan.

“Saya tegaskan, ini tak mengubah rencana saya dan Priscilla untuk melepas 99 persen saham Facebook yang kami miliki sepanjang hidup,” ujar Zuckerberg.


Zuckerberg memang pernah berjanji akan melepas hampir seluruh kepemilikannya atas Facebook untuk beramal. Kalau ditotal, saham Facebook yang dimiliki Zuckerberg bernilai 70 miliar dollar AS atau lebih dari Rp 930 triliun. Sumber

Terima kasih



good news. I really stop using #Facebook and use #steemit to blogging. maybe this good way to use Social Media. Thanks, @jasmadiyunus

Very good bos @jasmadiyunus
Upvote come back pak bos, he he he

Thanks @rickys for visiting my post

@jasmadiyunus - @Logic probably didn't know what post you were referring to. You took this post from http://tekno.kompas.com/read/2017/09/24/15050097/zuckerberg-lepas-saham-facebook-rp-168-triliun

Re-using someone else's post is discouraged, even if you cite sources. You should write your own posts, or at least add commentary / additional information if you're re-posting someone else's content.

I hope this clarifies the issue.

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