Global Warming?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

This is from the Palace Park some hrs ago:


In the olden days, we called this a snow storm.

According to the consensus between the politicians and the MSM, the Norwegian winters are not what they used to be.
This is caused by global warming (recently renamed climate change).

The City Council in Oslo just recently used 5 million NOK on artificial snow in Tøyen (Oslo): Nå kommer det skispor midt i byen.

This has to be the most ridiculous waste of money ever?

Good to know they are increasing the property tax all the time for honourable citizen to pay for this madness.

Genius I


Genius II


Other silly projects from the ‘genuises’:

Used 700 000 NOK on green spots that could not stand rain:


Removed parkings spots in downtown Oslo, replaced that space with furniture that nobody use, while the politicians park for free in their own underground garage:


Genius II have figured out that it could be a very environmental friendly idea to turn Oslo into a bicycle city.

They (MDG) actually call themselves the bicycle party, so I guess they are pretty emotional invested into this ‘idea’ source.

However, Oslo is very little suited for bicycling on a larger scale in the first place, due to the meandering roads and humped terrain. Oslo is not Amsterdam!

And what happens when you get 20 cm of snow?

Probably dangerous to cycle.

I have not seen a bicyclist for days:


Thank you for your time and attention. Steem on!

Follow me: @janusface


It's a total lack of respect for other peoples hard earned money. The problem is the system and the demoralisation of the people and society.

Still Norway is not doing that bad thanks to a good foundation morally, but that is slowly smuldering up. The same as Sweden. They acctually held on to good values longer than us, but they really had a much worse correction to put it like that :)

Correction should be over in 5-10 years from now.

While we most likely have different views on the climate change, @janusface, I do agree with you regarding how much of a waste it is to create artificial snow in the city. I mean, if anyone from Oslo wants to ski, just head to a mountain or something. Here in the upper part of Telemark we have been having snow cover since November, and it's only about two hours away from Oslo. You probably don't need to drive any further than Kongsberg to get a good skiing trip.

"The City Council in Oslo just recently used 5 million NOK on artificial snow in Tøyen (Oslo)""


Progressiveness is a mental disorder @janusface!

Here is the part which nails these lefty dumb dumbs:

According to the consensus between the politicians and the MSM,

Consensus is not science!

Even when a bunch of clueless climate change scientists come to a groupthink guess, this is still not scientific fact.

Unfortunately, if stupidity like this continues, your country will be lost, just like shithole Sweden.

I don't understand how you can think that 99% of scientists all fell to groupthink and that your 1% of scientists are not the biased group thinkers.

Climate change is real, whether it is man made or not. I'm not saying whatever this town did was right, but it needs to be talked about, and plans need to be made for WHEN the climate does change.

We KNOW that the climate does change. We KNOW that it will continue to get hotter. What are we gonna do about it?

Denying the truth doesn't make it go away. It is still a global threat, regardless if it is man-made or not.

I hope you can at least agree on that.

It's getting cooler @biasnarrative.

The polar bear population is increasing, not decreasing!

Sea levels are falling, not rising!

Not one single climate change prediction from the climate change idiot scientists has ever come true!

Thousands of climate change predictions, all wrong, horribly wrong!

How many more embarrassingly wrong climate change predictions will be made before you realise you were swindled @biasnarrative?

Every country got mad politics and politicians! I stopped vote for any political party, when I see them I feel like I saw Count Dracula! These stupids are sucking us, making us poor (No matter your country is at the richest country list) and enjoying their lives by the commission game behind all those stupid projects!
What I believe is, without politics this world can be a beautiful heaven!


Artificial snow? That's what happens when the government administers too much money, they will never think about reducing taxes or something similar, they will always find something new to spend it on.

Yes, they actually spent lots of money on artificial snow. Of course, they could not estimate that there were going to be so much snow. The politicians have decided that the Norwegian winters are not what they used to be (less snow), and it is a little funny to take some pictures that show how much snow it actually is at the moment.

Yes government spending money on artificial snow is ridiculous. But this reminded me of Dana White who bought artificial snow and filled his Las Vegas Driveway with it :)

Again such a wonderful post by @janusface
Smart article about global warming...
Execellent work sir..

The snow views were fantastic thank you all for sharing

Give a socialist a krone....

Hello @janusface,

Extraordinary good topic to discuss, these people play with money of people who made by their hard works. If they used this money to reduce tax by 0.1% (atleast) it helps people to make their lives better. Incredible decision to talk about such financial crimes. Thank you.


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