Forbidden Questions and Bad Journalism

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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The Tom Woods Show recently covered Forbidden Questions: 24 Key Issues Ignored by the Washington Elite and the Media, by Andrew Bacevich. This episode asks the questions that are never asked by the mainstream media, and exposes the inherent biases in modern journalism.

The questions are obvious once exposed, so why are they studiously avoided by the people who claim to serve the public interest? It isn't partisanship, because these questions were not asked during Obama's presidency, and will not be asked during Trump's either.

Remember, modern yellow journalism is not so much about outright falsehoods as it is about selective reporting. Refusal to risk losing access to government sources by asking uncomfortable questions is the status quo. There are sacred cows. The memory hole need never be used if embarrassing questions are never asked or inconvenient facts are never reported in the first place.


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Just listened to this episode like an hour ago! It was a good one!

I don't listen daily, but at least half his episodes are worth my time.

As a journalism major and attorney, I appreciate you drawing attention to the fact that discovering truth is always about asking the right questions, and the teleprompter readers at the news networks are not journalists, they are performers. Worse than that, is the fact that all the Mainstream Media outlets, including Fox News, conduct their "debates" the way high school debates are conducted, the topic is selected by the network, and the participants in the debate are chosen based on what they are known to think about the chosen topic. Nobody who strays off topic is allowed to continue working or appearing on the network. Just look at Dr. Drew, who merely raised a question about whether Hillary Clinton might have a serious medical condition -- a question that was being asked by credentialed physicians on the internet (before "fake new" became the excuse). And for merely entertaining the question as a serious one -- merely suggesting that there could even be a legitimate question outside those allowed in the scheduled programming -- he was fired immediately.

When people like John Brennan, who have been repeatedly caught in lies, are allowed to give testimony without anyone ever asking, "what proof do you have that you are not lying again," especially so-called journalists, we can be sure they are not really journalists. Just reporters of what they are paid to report.

Freedom of the press becomes meaningless when the media is just another branch of the corporatocracy, and no one reports anything that would risk censorship in the first place.

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