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RE: The Russia-Hating US Media Goes Into Overdrive Ahead of Summit - a Small Sampling of the Absurdity

in #news6 years ago

Thanks for the post, russia-insider.

I hope you don't mind if I test out some sentiment analysis on your post. This is an experimental bot running on posts that have exceptional positivity or negativity. The goal is to iterate towards a bot that gives content creators and curators actionable and useful information.

Your post was selected because it is in the 99th percentile for negativity.Your post had an average negative sentiment of -0.081, an average positive sentiment of 0.043, and an average normalized sentiment of -0.04

The most positive sentence in your post had a normalized positivity score of 0.215:

"That speculation might sound hyperbolic, but there is plenty of evidence to support it."

The most negative sentence in your post had a normalized negativity score of -0.38:

"Who could imagine a more extreme conspiracy theory?"


I doubt you are a bot (czech word meaning "robot") I am pretty sure you are an idiot with no knowledge of statistic, trying to cloud already cloudy minds of stupid people in DC. If you don't see further than your nose, please shut up and let smarter of us to do he job.

The comment above is a result of a script that runs on all posts in english with more than 500 words in a handful of categories. Admittedly the sentiment analysis is not that complicated. It basically uses the nltk library to categorize words and groups of words as positive or negative on a scale of -1 to 1. Your post just has more negative words in it than 99% of posts.

I apologize if it looks like my script (or bot, if you will) looks like it is trying to invalidate your post. On the contrary, I was hoping that by quantifying the positivity and negativity score, the sentiment scores would be objective and not have that affect. The only goal of these automated comments is to give you insight into your posts and help you better understand the content you are creating.

I also hope that readers don't see 'negative' and assume that that means your post is not of substance. If you believe that that is the case, it likely means I could use more descriptive language in the comments of these posts to give readers and content creators a better understanding of what the bot is for.

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