2 new coronavirus cases and 1 new death

in #news4 years ago

So that's pretty great numbers I think... When you consider that the country has more than 70 million people living in it the fact that the death numbers have been kept so low is pretty impressive. I wouldn't get too excited about these numbers actually being accurate though because if there is one thing that I have learned about the government in this country it is that they will NEVER admit to having done anything wrong and they would certainly not allow the countries around them appear to be doing a better job than they are.

Vietnam already won that prize with zero deaths but honestly, I would be surprised if 57 deaths is really an accurate number. They also might not be lumping in Covid deaths the way that they are doing in USA and Eurpoe either. I dont know and if they are lying it is likely we will never hear about it anyway.

a rather humorous social distancing fail

So as we see repeated low numbers emerge it looks more and more like aspects of the country can start to open back up and there is also some other good news: The testing of the vaccine has moved from mice trials to monkey trials. I don't know how you feel about vaccines but I think that in one way or another that is the eventuality here in Thailand. If you look at any Thai persons shoulder you will see a lump there as vaccinations are not generally optional in this country. It is administered and I have never heard of anyone resisting that sort of thing over here.

just a little humor mixed in

Another stat from Thailand's dealings with the virus is their recovery rate, which currently stands at 96%. There are only 57 people who remain in hospital care with the virus at the moment. So all in all it looks like Thailand could be well on its way to reopening.


Ultimately I think that Thailand would be one of the most likely countries to accept a vaccine and don't get on my case if that is something you are opposed to, I tend to not like the idea either. But this country depends nearly 20% on tourism and since that is precisely the sort of thing that would bring about another outbreak, it will likely be viewed as the quickest solution.


What are those people doing? Is that a religious ceremony?

Regardless what it is, it's rather stupid if they are pretending to practice social distancing. Tell me honestly, how are those people going to exit? All at once or they know to wait patiently and keep the necessary distance?

That is sheer stupid in my opinion. No offense.

no offense taken. it is likely a hospital or perhaps a government office of some sort based on the fact that everyone is holding some paperwork but i don't actually know. This was just an image i took off the internet.

It seems that all the countries here in South East Asia did pretty well as far as the virus is concerned. Maybe their is some truth to it not being able to survive in the heat for very long.

There might be. Or, and i know this is conspiracy theory-ish, the government sees no incentive in pumping up the numbers but rather might be suppressing them for the sake of looking good to the tourism world.

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