Juggalo's: Are they a gang?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Hello readers and welcome to another blog post by me J1337. My investigative reporting has lead me to this hot topic in today's news of interests and needs more positive attention. Lets look at it from a reporters side and an intelligent Juggalo with some knowledge about the issue here.

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Do you think Juggalo's are a Gang?
Ok so most of them are normal people like me and you that like music the ones I encountered over 16 years. Sure you have a few bad apples in any group smart people can see bad people and stay away from them and still enjoy music and merchandise. You can either 1: Think all juggalo's are like the ones you heard about or 2: you met some and you made your own oppionion. Here is what the National Gang Intelligence Center says: "there are more than one million self-proclaimed Juggalos across the United States. It is estimated that 85–90% of self-described Juggalos are peaceful, non-criminal music fans. The other 10–15% make up the Juggalo subculture's criminal element, which has been linked to numerous crimes..."


How do you think they label a group as a "Gang"?
It depends on how you look at this. Sure any group of 3 people wearing the same colors or symbols could possibly be marked as a "gang" providing if you have more than 2 wearing the same thing. If there is a reported "100,000" active Juggalo gang members then its those groups that are to blame not the music or its creators. You can say a very very high number of people are in gangs that like the type of Music lets look at "Heavy Metal" you could say they all "worship satan and are in cults" but you would be so very wrong. It's the other organization's that are not affiliated that control these people are the real issues. You might as well Label all Country music followers to gangs of "Renegade Cowboys" and you would realise the most popular music actually holds the most people who do crimes even kill themselves to and these people are mostly white and middle aged with some mental issues . But please, don't look into that you might actually find something worth finding instead of judging innocent american's and the world's people on the music they listen to.


Are you a Juggalo?
Lets first start this by saying I'm a juggalo and I'm not a gang member. These are the words fellow juggalos like myself say to people who think different. I've been listening to this music since I was a 12 year old kid. Did it effect me any more or less than other music groups no. I actually liked all types of music so why wouldn't I like this type of stuff too?

What are you and your fellow "juggalo's" going to do about it?
Really the Juggalo Community is coming togather to stand up for their rights and for what they believe in and in a peaceful way. You can see this on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2017 - NATIONAL MALL @ LINCOLN MEMORIAL - WASHINGTON, D.C. 12:00 p.m. for more information please go to https://www.juggalomarch.com/
[Shows reporter this flyer]

This is the action you people take when they been bullied too much and for too long being over-judged over symbols on a hat or TShirt, etc.

Is this ALL just some awful joke and by whom?
It could be I really don't know what these clown's are up to or who they are. What if I said the government was all "Clowns" and they all speak in coded messages and it could be a "gang" because of this just like the Military also everybody wears the "same symbols and badges and colors" and you all work in the "darkness that is inside the deep state" and people should be really investigating into you. I wouldn't think that was a smart plan to begin with and these unknown "clowns" masked in dark suits and shiny shoes and play with the systems numbers are real Gangsters. If i start asking questions like are these puppets a threat to national security because they are bought out by huge corporate powers that does not have your health in mind or your happiness only their greed. They only want to psychologically control you threw ads and products and staged crimes so they can worship whatever they do and call the ruler they say you voted in. They do not like independent brands or corporations that may take some music money from the main music industry because they actually make some pretty cool stuff! (Psychopathic Records).


Do you like to entertain and make people laugh?
Yes! All the time people call it a gift sometimes and now I'm gonna show you how I am a clown because I like making jokes- So here we GO! This is my Circus here on the internet and my blog posts are the evil flying monkeys causing havoc you Imagined inside your head. But you are unaware of the real problems like bigger groups and you are confused because of the army of AI distributing fake news as you are being mislead towards an unknown agenda. I'm so very sorry for that.
"I'm really glad you took the time to do this interview thank you [REDACTED] - Do you have any more questions?

Yes one more thing J, please and thank you for your time.
What do you think really is the problem here? Do you see a problem or glitch anywhere?


Of course I see all the money trails and glitches and this is the following you may need to be aware of. These clowns in the offices pushing these numbers that they can never add up or subtract correctly are the ones you should look into not some causal festival attendees,concert goers and casual music listeners.

Lets look at what Natasha Lennard from "Vice News" Has to say about it: "This is not just about defending the name of the Juggalo, it's about rejecting who gets read and treated by the authorities as a dangerous, unwanted element based on visible markers of cultural identities alone."


In conclusion the groups I'm apart of are very positive groups, ones trying to reach out and help people really and try to escape this reality they wish they could just make better and being peace and happiness to everyone.I chose them groups because I'm a guy with a smart head on his shoulders. These groups mostly seek enlightenment threw some source of extra hidden power or forces of love. You could label these people as very "Loving hippies" that do recreational drugs and run around naked sometimes, probably not the best festival to bring a child. That's all it is if you wanted to categorize the majority of the group. I love you for reporting and everyone else checking out this post and everyone else I forgot. :D


What I want to know is that these people that keep looking into non threats - are they against Freedom to wear whatever and freedom of speech? I do enjoy making memes- always be on the lookout for those.

I'm not so sure about that really but WOW!: what an amazing point you have there.

Yep it is, Thank you for having me again it was my pleasure.


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