RE: DEMOCRATS: You OWN This Shooting
Many years ago, while I was a fuzzy gray moral relativist moderate, someone told me that "liberalism" is evil. What he meant (and described to me) was "secular progressivism". I didn't believe him. Not possible. No way. Too black and white. How can you generalize, etc etc.
I realized later in life that his statement is true. And evidence keeps piling up these days to demonstrate the wickedness that is "secular progressive". The "social justice warrior" zealots desire chaos in the streets if they don't get their way towards their deranged utopian fantasy....
which just results in totalitarian communism....
which has brought nothing but misery to the masses while the elite class rules the world. May our country never experience that. @ironshield
Today, conservatives are the "classic liberals." (Hell, I even voted for JFK) - but the decades-long influence of cultural Marxism has all but destroyed that ideal... the "snowflakes" coming out of our institutions of "higher learning" are proof enough of that.