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RE: Should South Korea Evacuate Seoul?

in #news7 years ago

looking at latest fuss with DPRK, i think world would be much better place if everyone has some nukes and military. imagine if Gaddafi had nukes. Libya wouldnt be flattened, so much people killed and survivors left to mercy of some moderate rebels.


The problem with everyone having nukes is it only takes one of them using it and the whole world dies. Ever nation should have a strong army and good leadership, however this isn't the case and people suffer because of it.

but its already boring to watch non nuclear countries getting ripped apart and burned by those nuclear ones. for people who died in last few wars, world already died^

hard fact, and only thing which is important = theres not burned cities, schools, hospitals, dead kids, and millions of refugees in Korea.

when i read some articles, especially those made for US and western europe market, i get feeling like they are sorry and butthurt because theres no war yet. and thats just half of narrative. other half is trying to convince people that every political rival of their bosses is some lunatic villain, their people / barbarians, and their kids / little terrorists.

i mean, how many times we seen this already?

I understand what you are saying, I think. Wanting nuclear arm nations going to war with each other for entertainment reasons will only cause more suffering for the non nuclear ones. That's why it is so important nuclear arms need to be pulled off the table.

Keep in mind Trump just went on his Asian trip. He wasn't there talking about a peaceful resolution to the problem, he was selling arms to Japan and South Korea.
If all war breaks out in the region do you really think it will stay within the borders of North Korea?

Lets not forget if China or Russia come to the aid of North Korea how many millions of innocent lives will be lost in the cross fire.

As for American and European media your right they used for propaganda. That is how the innocent masses are controlled. It's a psychological weapon that has been used by all those who have ever been in power.

My article isn't a call for war with North Korea, it's an idea oh how to advert one.

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