Air Duel Tensile F-16 TNI AU When Intercepting F-18 US Navy in Bawean Sky
F / A-18 US NAVY Vs F-16 TNI AU (Collage)

On July 3, 2003 ago, air space above Bawean Island suddenly tense.
This is because TNI AU's radar detected five foreign aircraft (Blackflight) flying into Indonesian airspace without permission.
From the radar monitoring can be seen the five foreign aircraft that move quickly and maneuver sharply, it can be ascertained the fifth is a fighter.
But Kosk II Hanudnas (National Air Defense Sector II Command) and Popunas (National Air Defense Operation Center) have not taken action because the five aircraft were then disappeared from radar monitoring.
But two hours later Radar Kosek II again captured the aircraft's maneuvers.
Commander Kohanudnas then ordered to immediately intercept the foreign aircraft.
This is because the salty aircraft has disturbed Surabaya-Bali commercial flight.
And they do not make any communication contact with ATC tower for flight permit.
Responding to that two F-16 fighters TNI AU then take off to intercept and identify the foreign aircraft.

This is interesting.
It's amazing