All Manager Salon in Bireuen Dikumpulkan, DSI : don't get Any LGBT that worked.

in #news7 years ago

bireuen – To prevent the development of the practice of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) in Bireuen, all the managers of the salon was invited to a meeting in the Hall of the Consultative Assembly " Ulama (MPU), on Monday (5/2/2018). These activities initiated by the Department of Islam syariah (DSI) Bireuen with the Bireuen, the Islamic Defenders Front (Front Pembela Islam) and a number of parties.

The meeting at the MPU Bireuen was in addition to discussing efforts to prevent LGBT, also reviewed about Qanun Jinayat.

Head of Islam syariah (DSI) Bireuen, Jufliwan the SH, M.M, said a meeting with the manager of salon is based on instructions of Bireuen about policing the coffee shop, cafe, restaurant, salon you cut hair and others.

The purpose of inviting the salon as well as the other, said Jufliwan, to increasing the faith that the socialization of the ban on LGBT, and ask the manager of salon in order not to hire LGBT in place that manages.

In addition, the manager of the salon were also asked to curb its workers to return to nature.

In Bireuen, said Jufliwan, there are 21 salon you cut hair from Samalanga to Gandapura. Some workers the salon style or dress up like a woman, but fitranya is the man.

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