The United States of Chaos... September 2017: 65 Major Fires and 4 Hurricanes back to back

in #news7 years ago

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As of Wednesday morning, there are 65 major fires currently burning across the western United States, particularly in Oregon, California and Montana, where people are hoping that storms will bring a little rain to give firefighters a leg up. Even more fires are raging across western Canada.

But although almost 1.5 million acres in the U.S. are involved directly in the wildfires, the problem doesn't end there: Smoke from the fires has traveled 3,000 miles to reach the East Coast, as well. That's because of the jet stream, a strip of winds that acts like a conveyor belt circling the Earth from west to east over the northern United States.

Maps of wildfires in the Northwest U.S.

More than 27,000 firefighters are deployed on wildfires in the United States.

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There are 3 hurricanes in the Atlantic right now

Hurricane Irma may be getting most of the headlines right now, but it's sharing the Atlantic with Hurricane Jose and newly formed Hurricane Katia, too.

Hurricane Irma formed late last week in the middle of the Atlantic, and Tropical Storm Jose formed earlier this week not far behind Irma. And finally, Tropical Storm Katia formed in the Gulf of Mexico this morning. Both Katia and Jose were upgraded to hurricanes Wednesday afternoon.

First Harvey, now Irma. Why are so many hurricanes hitting the U.S.?

Less than a week after Hurricane Harvey tore through Texas and Louisiana, causing at least 60 deaths and billions of dollars in damages, Hurricane Irma appears ready to make U.S. history.

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The tiny Caribbean island of Barbuda is “practically uninhabitable” after it was steamrolled by Hurricane Irma, officials there said as the superstorm’s confirmed death toll climbed to three Wednesday.

Barbuda and Antigua Prime Minister Gaston Browne reported that 90 percent of the structures on Barbuda were destroyed by the ‘cane, which was packing sustained 185-mph winds when it made landfall at 1:47 a.m.

“As it stands, Barbuda is practically uninhabitable,” Browne told Antigua/Barbuda Broadcasting Services, adding that destruction on the island home to nearly 1,700 people was “heart-wrenching.”

Here's Why Hurricane Irma Could Be Worse Than Katrina and Harvey

Irma Forecast to Hit Two Nuclear Power Plants in Florida

The record-breaking Hurricane Irma moves toward Florida, forecasted to reach its coasts as early as Saturday. Right in its estimated path stand two nuclear power plants—Turkey Point and St. Lucie.

Florida Orders People to Get Out Now, Over 5k Soldiers Moved Out of Keys


I'm not a religious person but I do remember my Bible studies from way back when. There was something about natural disasters in one place after another, signifying the "end days". It's eerie to watch this unfold

End Times BS is for pre-tribulation rapturists to get them to stand down to corruption and war as they wait for the golden staircase. Just my opinion.

Are you saying you don't think the solar eclipse was an omen? 🤔 .. I'm just kidding. I don't subscribe to any of it, I'm just having flash backs to the days when I did and it gave me an eerie feeling

Haha! What most do not know is that Revelations is a very low consciousness writing. It was only left in there to insight fear and control for the church back in the day. So many are brainwashed. Climate is changing because it is a normal earth cycle. We get to live or die through it. Hold on its gonna be a wild ride. Or let go and have a great time.

Totally agree!

Meanwhile, a disaster of another sort is unfolding out west. Large portions of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana are literally on fire. One of the reasons why we are having such a huge problem with wildfires out west is because the federal government is not properly managing public lands. So when these fires hit areas controlled by the feds, they tend to burn more intensely than they should. I intend to fight to have control of those lands transferred to state governments, and I hope that you will support my efforts. Here in Idaho, it has been estimated that we have more than a trillion dollars worth of natural resources under our feet, and if we can get full control of our public lands it would end our state budget problems permanently.

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