Are We Heading Towards Third World WAR?

in #news6 years ago

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The United States and its partners pursued in excess of 100 strikes on Syria on Friday in a "one time shot" that the Pentagon said took after definitive proof that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was responsible for a chemical weapons attack using at least chlorine gas.

US President Donald Trump requested strikes focusing on Syrian administration's compound weapons programme.It's in light of a substance assault last weekend.B-1 planes, ships were utilized as a part of the assault, as indicated by US safeguard authorities.

Mattis recognized that the United States pursued the assaults just with indisputable proof that chlorine gas was utilized as a part of the April 7 assault in Syria.Allegations of Assad's chlorine utilize are visit in Syria's contention, bringing up issues about whether Washington had brought down the edge for military activity in Syria at this point choosing to strike after a chlorine gas assault.


The sucky thing about all of this is that normal people are the ones suffering. Firsr from the chlorine gas, now from the bombing. My God, how can these guys can get through every day

very true!

We can't be heading towards 3rd World War because I still have Alot to do on earth 🌍

Yeah... We want peace...

i just really hope that it ends all here if this happens we will go back in time :(

Things are not looking good at all....

I don't know!

I think not world war 3, but God will drown this world ☺

For the sake of the power of the people lost common sense, it's sad!

Thank you @hms818 for this amazing article.

Greetings of peace!

I hope and wish the fear of God comes into the minds of these power hungry people....

Third World War will be a disaster to the world... it must not happen

It will be complete disaster... waiting to see now how Syria & Russia respond to these attacks...

Are We Heading Towards Third World WAR?

Maybe! Power-hungry have made crazy world and the crazy :)

Love Peace @hms818!

I too love peace @roman-sabil ..

great post,Third World War will be a disaster to the dear friend @hms818.thanks for share,

I afraid to say it looks very near....

I hope the war there can end quickly, it is a shame to see the children there who lost their childhood and see the dark future.

war never made families happy war always made politicians happy only and whole world cries just because of politicians poor progress and thinking ..

I agree...

now new generation can't bear such wars, we want peace in every corner of the world

True.. We want peace...

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