Del Bigtree's Malibu home burns down. Arson or wildfires?

in #news6 years ago

Del Bigtree’s Home Burns In Catastrophic Fire Event

Full story here...

After watching Del's video I'd like to think this was the result of the wildfires going on right now in California. He even says he lost a house 10 years ago due to a fire. He doesn't seem concerned that Big Pharma might have done this. Look at the trees around Del's house. Why aren't they all burnt? It sure looks like he is the victim of arson. Either way I'm glad he and his family are alright. I hope he and his family are able to make a full recovery from this catastrophe.

For those who don't know, Del Bigtree is the producer of the movie Vaxxed. He, and Robert Kennedy Jr. have been victorious winning the battle on the front lines exposing the lies, cover up, and fraud from Merck and CDC regarding vaccines. Although I don't know how wild these fires really are these days with HAARP and DEW technology going on. For those who don't know what "DEW" is, it stands for Direct Energy Weapons. Is Del a victim of DEW technology? Has this criminal government run and owned by Big Pharma, Big Oil, Monsanto, and the rest of these criminal agencies start these fires to damage the land forcing people to move back to the cities as part of Agenda 2030? I think so even though there isn't any way to prove that. It sure does seem like they are using this technology to attack all dissidents

You can watch Vaxxed, the full movie here...

Learn the truth about these vaccines and what they are doing to our children. And then tell me we don't have Nazi Eugenics taking place here in America. Contradict Authority! This has been going on for 100 years now! Suppressing cancer cures killing doctors to keep us sick for profit. How sick and psychotic is that!?

murdered doctors.jpg

I've made several vaccine related posts in the past. If you have been following me thus far I'm sure you have read some of them (and hopefully got an education if you didn't already have one regarding the subject). If not, go back and find them. If you cared enough because you didn't know this stuff you would. This is a big deal and we are winning. Monsanto/Bayer which is Big Pharma is losing. They are really desperate now trying to destroy everyone and everything that stands in their way of their Nazi Eugenicist program they are pushing at gun point on us living here in the States. If they can't kill you they can burn your house down and try. Until we are successful exterminating this cockroach of evil more of these tragedies will only continue. So watch yourself and protect you and your families.

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