Is the news really so important? Do you care what the media says?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Does "news" even have a purpose?

Why do we even care what happens in the outside world, at least concerning the sorts of events that are reported in national or world news?

Do these events actually matter enough to me or you, that we want to know or hear them? What good does it do to know about these things?

Is it so we know what's popular when it comes to "the raging debate"?

Is it so we know all about the terrible things that happen during endless wars?

Or is it just wanting to have up to date information on ...traffic? Well, that would be useful, but I think when people talk about news, we aren't talking about traffic reports or weather.

We all mean the brainwashing propaganda news, meant to get people riled up over bullshit.

So why do we even care? It doesn't matter if it's lies or truth, it's just events happening that are terrible, and can't be stopped by the brainwashed masses, whose only engagement with politics or society is "voting", or debating on the internet.

The very idea of caring about "world leaders", or "politics", or "terrible things that happen", seems rather strange, at least the way people go about talking about these things.

If these things didn't make enemies of neighbors, and heighten already taut tensions, or just make life difficult and sad for people for no reason, wouldn't the world be better?

The world would be better without the concept of the main stream media.

If it truly is just a propaganda factory, then it would be best to completely ignore it, and pretend like it doesn't exist, the same way we have absolutely no interest in the TV show "Osbournes: Reloaded". It doesn't matter if it's "alt-news". There's no loophole.

It's just another piece of media to be ignored, because it has no value to us.

Or does it?



Wait, wait... The Osborne's Reloaded! ;0)

yeah heard it for the first time too :D I do wonder what it is :D I will be disappointed probably who knows


The media is there to manipulate our minds, to get us to think the things they want us to think, for example: Donald Trump
The media is conveying that he is bad, in the UK all we see is Donald Trump and how bad he is. But not all is true, Im not saying that his an amazing person, all im saying is, is that the media has controlled what we think and feel.... very good topic to talk about.

don't go to wikileaks too all fake news, the media is a time sink case and point

btw check out John Pilger the best journalist that has popped up in my view, at least this past year. just saw his site yeah Trump this leftists that, haven't watched anything new, might do so


The nephew of Sigmund Freud, the pioneer of psycho-analysis, it was Bernays who coined the term "public relations" as a euphemism for spin and its deceptions.
In 1929, he persuaded feminists to promote cigarettes for women by smoking in the New York Easter Parade - behaviour then considered outlandish. One feminist, Ruth Booth, declared, "Women! Light another torch of freedom! Fight another sex taboo!"

Check the century of the self too almost quoted from there :D people seem to be hating Edward :D

Anyways that is what the media is now, a cover for the rotten tomatoes

I would go sixteen steps further.

I would consider the very topic of "Donald Trump" to be completely worthless trash.

I do not know this man. I have not met him, and will never meet him. I do not want to meet him.
He means nothing to me, just like I don't care about Fred, who lives five hundred miles away from me.

I don't know these people, and I don't trust anyone who wants to rule over others.

John Pilger! 😍

what do you mean? news was about what was happening and getting people up to speed with politics and debates so they can act and do what they feel is right. Sure as it stands It's a idealistic dream to see that with the endless sports and bullshit spilled over, I remember around 8 years ago when CNN was the best television and seeing that was a big deal. I died laughing a few months ago when I looked at a recording over at YouTube. Seemed like the most retarded channel. Currently almost all MSM is bad, media is getting less views and they are upping production :D much like we are doing now, with steem rather than creating good content once a week and bringing in people, we are creating more to make up for the drop in price, why where are the debates from 5 months ago. Why is everything getting streamlined here with more and more "regulations" is what I would ask. And about the news yes, it's BS 10 minutes real news 50 minutes of bullshit in the best case. probably the radio is a better bet :D but the internet trumps all that since you have the choice and select what you choose. The problem is that you grow into the computer and become half AI :D sad world :D well at least we have the internet :) I do agree with you whenever I hear news and how I've missed something it's always a derailed train, something blew up, something lost value, ... the only thing I can trust is documentaries and they tend to be made after the fact :D

Sorry for the wall of text I can edit it a bit if the need arises. I'm going now lights out :D

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