Was the Moon Landing a Hoax?

in #news6 years ago

In the race to land on the Moon, USA and Russia were in a battle to put the astronaut on the moon. The first astronaut to go into "outer space" was Yuri Gagarin in his Vostok Mission after he completed an orbit of the Earth on the 12th of April 1961. So at this moments tensions were high between these two giants. USA were desperate to beet their rivals Russia and put the first man on the Moon, and on July the 20th it is said that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first two people to lay foot on the moon.

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But nowadays after looking at the pictures and videos people are starting to come to the conclusion that it could've been a hoax, and instead of actually landing on the moon they filmed it in a secret location that could have been in Area 51 or somewhere in Hollywood, and that they were so desperate to beat the Russians they faked it to claim victory.


So lets start with the points people are making to claim that its fake:

1.The waving flag:


As Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted the flag, people who were watching the landing on live television back in 1969 could clearly see flag waving and fluttering, this has lead to many people to believe it couldn't of been on the moon because as we all know on the Moon there in no air. But NASA's response to disprove this was that the flag was stored in a thin tube and the rippled effect was caused by it being unfurled before being planted.

2.Multiple Light Sources:


The only light source ob the Moon is the Sun, so all shadows should run parallel to each other, not in the case of the Apollo Moon landing, as we see in the picture the shadows go in different directions, this could only suggest that there were more than one light source, this made people deduce that it these pictures weren't from the Moon, but instead filmed in a film studio. NASA's response was blaming the uneven landscape causing the strange shadows, but this explanation has been discredited by many theorists as hills couldn't cause such large angular differences.

3.The Van Radiation Belt:


The Van Allen radiation belt consist of two main belts located in the magnetosphere and extend from an altitude of about 500 to 58,000 kilometers, and to reach the Moon astronauts have to pass through these belts, which are held in place by Earth's magnetic field. Apollo's mission marked the first ever attempt to transport humans through this belt. Many satellites are endangered by these belts and they must have their sensitive components protected with adequate shielding if they spend significant time in that zone. Conspiracy theorists contend that the vast amount of radiation would have burnt and cooked the astronauts en route to the moon, despite all the layers of aluminium coating on the exterior and interior that the spaceship had. NASA's response was that they only spent a short amount of time to pass the belt, meaning they only received small doses of radiation.

4.Slow motion and hidden cables:


It is said that if you speed up the video of the moon landing x2.5, it appears that the astronauts are moving just like on Earth, and for their incredibly jump height it is said that hidden cables and wires were used to give them that extra height, these points have supported claims that the Moon landings were shot in a studio.

5.Lack of Stars:


As we look up from Earth we can see many visible stars even with all the clouds, but on the Apollo photographs and videos we cannot see any even with no clouds on the Moon, this is contradictory as they should be very visible as they are brighter than seeing them from Earth. NASA said that quality of the photos washes them out and they found it impossible to map out the exact locations of all stars so they left them out. But even in the photos that are high quality, no stars are shown.

6.The C Rock:

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The picture of this rock has sparked controversy because it appears to have the letter "C" engraved in it. It appears to be almost perfectly symmetrical and natural occurrences don't carve out perfect letters. It's been suggested that it could be a prop and the "C" was used as a marker by the film crew. But NASA's excuse was that the photographic developer added the letter as a joke and added another excuse saying it could've been a stray hair which got tangled up somewhere.

7.The Layered Cross-Hairs:

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The cameras that the astronaut used during the moon landing had a multitude of cross-hairs to aid with scaling and direction. These hairs are imprinted over the top of all the photos. In some of the images it is clearly seen that some objects are in front of the cross-hairs, suggesting that the image has been edited or tampered with after being taken.

These are a few of the many points that have been pointed out to suggest that the moon landing was a hoax and was done in a film studio in order to beat the Russians in the race to the Moon. Here are some other points that spark a bit of controversy:

Buzz Aldrin's Tweet:


Buzz tweeted this stating it was fake and it was filmed to beat the soviets.

Another controversial thing was what Don Pettit said in an interview:

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These are some interesting points and many people are starting to believe it was a hoax, it's hard to know the truth but with all these points been putting forward it's hard to believe NASA's story.
What's your opinion? I'd like to hear it.

Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Allen_radiation_belt#Implications_for_space_travel

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