The contining stupidity of mass media

in #news6 years ago (edited)

So in the latest "we will attempt to make anything Trump does look bad," which of the following things do you believe was a "major story?"

A. Foreign Policy
B. management of monetary policy
C. promises made during the election campaign
D. what sort of food is served at the White House to a football team

It's probably all of them but I am referring to "D" in this situation and no matter how you feel about Trump I find it completely absurd that any news network would even talk about it.


In their never-ending campaign to fill up a 24-hour news station with continual garbage, this is the lengths that these vultures will go to in order to try to use ANYTHING to smear the President. They actually brought in "senior correspondents" to talk about this for hours, criticizing the man for daring to serve fast-food at the White House for a championship football team.

The crazy thing is that this isn't the first time that (and I can't believe I am saying this) the MSM has attacked the president by referencing fast-food. In the past they criticized the fact that he likes KFC. I mean, what's not to like about fried chicken?


How I personally feel about the guy is irrelevant. I am not trying to start a debate about that. What I am trying to recognize is that the main stream media (MSM) are just getting dumber by the day. Maybe it is crap like this that is perhaps part of the reason that according to a Gallup poll, trust in the media sank to below 20% recently. Personally I only know one or two people that actually even watch this crap, but it is still out there. It is starting to look like they are intentionally releasing obnoxiously dumb stories just so people will talk about how awful it is. As they say "any press is good press" or something like that.

If that was their intent, congratulations - it worked. I long for the days when news stations actually broadcast news (if there ever was such a time) instead of everything being op-ed or hit pieces.

By the way: The entire Clemson team and coaches said they absolutely loved it.


Forget about the media. Forget about the left and the right. Lets see what is actually going on without vilifying every single person that is part of the checks and balances of our system.

There are enough indictments and convictions that it is no longer a question of if, it is a question of who knew what and when.

I don't know anyone that watches the news anymore. I was talking about newspapers the other day with someone and it must be over 10 years since I read one of those.

wait... you've seriously never seen 300?

Never heard of it.I like fighting movies as well.Gerard Butler is not a bad actor as well so it looks like I have something decent to watch now.

Gerard Butler works for CNN now? Hey man... you may want to rethink where you posted this :P

Lol. Just following your reply about 300.

crap... i'm to blame!


The sad thing is, I really don't care for Trump and even I thought this news was stupid. It waters down the real issues when stuff like this makes the headlines.

Oh, and another thing... Is it just me, or is it starting to get a bit annoying that everything is bright red "BREAKING NEWS" every 30 minutes or so. What happens if there is a real emergency? Do they make the red strobe with gold and platinum while playing a siren?

The problem, at least the way I see it, is that it is almost impossible to report news in this climate. If you report what someone did wrong (left or right) you will labeled as partisan one way or the other. We have got to break out of this craziness somehow!

"If you don't watch the news you are uninformed; if you watch the news you are misinformed."

Personally, I would rather be in the uninformed category. It lets me focus on the problems in front of me rather than the problems mass media wants me to see.

"I long for the days when news stations actually broadcast news."

That was a long time ago unfortunately and I don't see this ever coming back. It all turns into a circus.

Posted using Partiko Android

Anything they can do to stoke the fight, the divide.
Anything they can do to distract from that $21 Trillion the Pentagon just revealed as "missing" in their failed audit. That's about $65,000 per American...? Meanwhile we get this "news"..?

yep, it is all very upsetting. It's funny how the people I know that actually watch the news normally watch the "news" that they know agrees with their own political bias and they are therefore angry all the time.

If the media was honest they WOULD be talking about things like what you mentioned.

No doubt. Cheers to progress in the right direction, even if in small steps, or perhaps we are here to slowly witness the last years of the old school media and news system as the internet, decentralized social media, podcasts, and on spread.

Face Trump.gif

They criticize everything, absolutely everything, what Trump does, because they simply hate him. They are pathetic.

I have no idea what’s going on, I got rid of my tv 10 years ago 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

unrelated but i got a bluetooth step-counter and heartrate monitor. that's you that is posting the fitness stuff right?

That's a good decision. No tv for me for the last 3 years also. Never missed it lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Any press is good press.
They don't care about quality, they just need reading and watch time to show their advertisements.

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