The Storm is Here! Trump, like George Washington has Enacted his Plan to Takedown the"Cabal of Evil" and Restore the Constitutional Republic of America on a Christmas Morning ! A Very Happy New Year to Us All !

in #news7 years ago (edited)


Painting Tweeted by Q-Anon on Christmas Day ! The Storm is now Breaking !

In 1851, Emanuel Leutze painted General Washington and his army crossing the freezing Delaware River on the night of December 25, 1776 on their way to successfully attack the Hessian mercenary garrison at Trenton, New Jersey.

So this post looks like it will be my last for all you beautiful steemer friends of mine this Crazy Year of 2017 ) So I am happy to announce for once that my post is not my normal bringer of doom and gloom on world events ! But this one should give us all reason to rejoice and breathe a good moment, to realise that maybe, just maybe this world of madness which we see is about to redress and change for the better ??

2017, a year heavily charged with major and tumoultous murderous ocurrences and misadventures ! But as I have been reporting for awhile now I think we see finally this " Squid of Evil with tentacles long and unseen " taken down by men who cannot live beneath such a thing ! The "All Seeing Eye of Soros is Burning and the Pyramid on which it sits is falling !

Q-Anon this mysterious but clearly high level security agent has been relaying encrypted messages through 4Chan media sites and there is much noise in the Truther community to what they could be alluding too ! The Storm has begun of this I think we can all be sure !

Q is real and most certainly on our side, so all Americans believing in a true and free America should be happy to see what I think myself is a carefully prepared and quickly executed military take down of the higher members of this "Cabal of Evil" which have been so busy destoying this planet and its occupants since an eternity in time !

I do believe that Q-Anon information is just so complex and heavily encrypted that it certainly must be something real and of great, great importance and the fact that he has chosen to make all operations available to the greater public like this speaks for itself ! The photo I use as my title for this post makes a clear reference to the taking back of America and creation of the Republic ! Quite possibly happening right now as you read this post ! Possibly even beneath our very feet as they have been busy building since years a global network of tunnels which inter-connect all major hubs of our world!

We can be Happy and Rejoice in this New Year of 2018 as it will be I think, a new dawn of a new and more righteous world under a new, fairer System of decision making and law writing and enforcment. A world in which we will be finally freed from these chains of enslavement they have built around us for decades if not centuries ! A new world where technology will be used for the better good and not for destruction ! Where people have the right to eat clean food and drink pure water away from the poisons supplied to our prison cell with spyware in every room that they let us call our home !

This disgusting model of life must not be allowed to be installed over us without our knowledge, it must never happen, or be! Mankind needs desperately to change direction if he has a chance to survive this nightmare they call our future !

This desire and general feeling amongst right minded people amongst us has been heard, felt and answered ! We see now in these varied informations today a great "cleaning of House " by Trump. A man who has been villified and attacked so despicably by so many people because of media control of information and the Hive think mentality it propogates in this "society" of Mainstream media kool-aid drinkers ! ! But I think History shall be kinder as it will thank him forever for having done finally what desperately needed to be done !

There have been power outages reported at Disney Land and Airports all over America and even Canada, with some flights even being prevented from takeoff some returning back on their flightpath after already being in the air for hours ??! I wonder why !!??? GOOD LUCK IN GITMO ))) LMAO !!

In a World Inhabited by Good Men and Women, There Can be No Place for Evil !

Hallie Jackson interviews Francis Rooney about 'purging' the FBI

Raw Story
Published on 26 Dec 2017


AllSeeingEye Watcher
Published on 27 Dec 2017

New Q anon connection !


Anti School
Published on 20 Dec 2017

The Storm To Restore The Constitutional Republic of the United States of America

New/Lt. Col. Roy Potter Full Video

Published on 7 Dec 2017

A stroll through some general developments of The Storm, some philosophizing, and a renewal of hope.


Tweeted by QAnon 20th December 2017

So it rests now, just to say, Thankyou Mr Trump and the Brave Men behind you and of course the very same to all you Beautiful People out there in this Ocean of Steem that have followed and supported my posts this Incredible Year of 2017 !

A very Happy and Safe 2018 to you All ! : > )

Your thoughts and reactions on this my post, as ever most appreciated in my comment section below !




Happy New Year!
It's been great getting to know you this year mate, let's hope 2018 is the year when we see the beginning of the end for the cabal.

Well thats so nice of you to say @tremedospercy, me likewise with you ) Yes well I think this is exactly what we are seeing, again only time will let us know !! Happy New Year to you and family Sir )

lol oh yeah nice video @battleaxe )) Exactly right ! ) A Vampire when touched by the light of the Sun Burns, even the most powerful !

Well, this gentleman has it correct. The CIA/FBI/DOJ have been off the rails for quite a long time, and a purging is needed. It’s going to happen. But not just pink slips. Prison. Mr Trump is returning the rule of Constitutional Law

Yes @usmanzeb thanks I am glad you agree with mw on this and see what this will mean for the world as a whole if indeed I am right ?

Aha. We are on the same trip so it would seem. So maybe you can help me break out? I feel like the train man in this scene.

Sure @adonymous, we are all on the Trump Train to a brighter and better Destiny ! Here is my hand come on in and take a window seat )

All goes to good.

Well I think its about time no that things went for the better !! If you are having a hard time believing what your heart wants you to believe I do understand ! But I think you will see like us all that this New Year will a be a huge and Historic one and the world maybe unrecognisable with all of these demonic agenda,s brought to an end !

In world history, there were many moments when people thought that everything was the end. But after all the cataclysms, life continued. It's stupid to think that if something does not happen, it's for the best. The depth and interconnection of life phenomena to man is not given to know. Alas...

Thankyou @jimjam1210 for the support ) Happy New Year to Us !! ; )

Happy new year to you dear @gomeravibz :) love reading your blogs which gives me insight on another corner of the world, mostly which international news agencies does not even cover 😉😉 looking forward to great content in 2018 too :)

Yes to you the same @thatindianlady, I truly appreciate your nice compliment concerning my post here on steemit ! Its my wish to try and get people on the know of these issues ! We all need to be really paying attention right now )

Great work as always @gomeravibz It's been reassuring to know people like yourself are sticking with this, speaking your truth and trying to live and be the change they want to happen in this crazy old world of ours. I really hope 2018 signals the year that this change begins to shake the foundations of the cabal! Thanks for all the hard work and dedication.

Hey there @perceptualflaws, thankyou you as ever for this most charming and encouraging comment first comment from you of the this New Year ! That yes promises to be the great change we who know and see hope to happen ) Steem On my friend )

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