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RE: Trump Making Israel Great Again !!? Really ! What is so Great about Killing 47 Palestinians with Snipers on the Gaza Wall of Pain?

in #news6 years ago

Well i like neither the Clinton News Network or the Bullshit Broadcasting Company, they are both just mouthpieces for spin and propoganda for the Globalist network ! You should read the info in the link which has been provided by @deliberator, it sums up the situation perfectly !


I wouldn't have seen it but I was in a restaurant and for some reason it was on, they spent the whole time talking about someone making an off hand off the record comment that they didn't need to court a dead man's vote and for some reason that is wrong.

Whaaat ?? What dead mans vote is that ?? I hate these fucking people, they all need to get cholera or something !!

They made a comment about not needing to court McCain for his vote.

oh God help us really ( Democracyy is now dead and we have entered officially the NWO way of doing things ! its going to get much worse now i am very much afarid !

they are scared, they are not used to losing like Trump and Brexit, so they lash out

No i was thinking nthey were too, but infact Brexit has seemingly been halted and is merely a has been conversation for people, but politcally this vote is now past and its voice of rebellion is lost ! Trump i too believed in but he just too close to Israel and their insanity and connections to Saudi Arabia just means he is in the Club too ! The Club to which neither you or me are invited !

Trump is in a different club from Obama/Hillary, there is more than one club. That's what Assange said anyhow.

Sure there are different fractions in this club but they are all in the end tied to the same root, greed and power 1 Us little guys who just want a nice girl,house a holiday and pay taxes just dont get it or even see it !I really had big hopes when i saw the Trump victory , but this week in Israel and this Embassy story is well wow ((( wtf !(((

Well in a world of ghouls you are more useful dead than alive @funbobby51!

Well @funbobby51 considering all that I am seeing happen in the last few weeks in the world, hoping will not be enough ! I am so sorry to say this to you, but looks ike to me reversing the tide of this Evil machine rolling down its track is just not going to be possible without a concerted and cohesive force which counters its route ! As yet I see no such movement having that strength and with Trump smiling as he opens the wasps nest in Jerusalem for Israel and its plan to become "Great" again, the person that i "hoped" would be finally a force of good in world politics has just proven he is to their side too !

Consider how many people claimed Trump's comments and actions towards N Korea would cause WW3, instead we have a plan for an historical meeting to discuss denuclearization.

Trump is going to go ahead and finally resolve this middle east shit as well, who better than a man with a great relationship with the Jews and Arabs?

hmmm well thats an interesting and id say very optimistic veiw point you have there @funbobby51 ! Well to use that word that you like as much as me, " sure hope you are right on that one )

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