Has Fort Knox been emptied of its Gold ? A 15 year old Newspaper Article from the Globe called " Gold is Gone ! " Confirms This to be the Case!!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

A 15 year old article states that all the Gold in Fort Knox was removed in the early 70,s , to some " European Speculators ! " It does not get worse than this !

Who could have possibly done this Bank Robbery straight out of a James Bond Film ?

" GoldFinger "

Goldfinger ! He's the man, the man with the Midas touch
A spider's touch
Such a cold finger
Beckons you to enter his web of sin
But don't go in

Golden words he will pour in your ear
But his lies can't disguise what you fear
For a golden girl knows when he's kissed her
It's the kiss of death from

Mister Goldfinger
Pretty girl beware of this heart of gold
This heart is cold

Golden words he will pour in your ear
But his lies can't disguise what you fear
For a golden girl knows when he's kissed her
It's the kiss of death from

Mister Goldfinger
Pretty girl beware of this heart of gold
This heart is cold

He loves only gold
Only gold
He loves gold
He loves only gold
Only gold
He loves gold

In this excellent video just released today you might just well find out, Bill Holter talks with SGT Report. They discuss the first visit by a US Treasury Secretary since 60 years !!

Steve Mnuchin, Ex Goldman Sachs Banker, visited Fort Knox, and without a single picture or shred of evidence for the golds saftey inside the vault, simply tweeted

" Glad Gold is Safe ! "

But information released in a 15 year old " Globe " article states that between Novemeber 1973 and April 1974 , 7000 tonnes of Gold was removed by " European " speculators, for , by todays standards less than a tenth of its value ! 66 Billion Dollars at the time, leaving only 6 Billion remaining, but it being made up of gold that was recuperated from the smelting coins, so not 100 percent pure! As it contains copper too and so is not considered as legal pure gold and not eligible for finacial exchanges in the heavily regulated International gold market !

I think its fair to state that, if the information given in this article proves to be fact, then millions can kiss their pensions "Goodbye " and the US dollar will be as worthless as paper ! So Nixon removing the " gold " standard backed Dollar makes more sense now would you not say ?

"We have been lied to from cradle to grave", says JS Mineset's Bill Holter. And there's no better example of that than the question of the US gold reserves at Fort Knox, which haven't been audited in more than 60 years. Recently, US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin visited Fort Knox, and after the visit, without a single picture or shred of proof, he tweeted "Glad gold is safe" - which when you think about it, is probably true. It's safe in the hands of the Rothschild banking establishment. A 15-year old article from The Globe detailed what REALLY happened to the US gold reserves at Fort Knox, and it's likely a far more accurate version of the truth than anything former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Mnuchin has to say about it.

Its a big Club and We aint in it !

The Americain Dream, Where You have to be Asleep to Believe it !

People, you really need to get prepared for what is coming down the pipe and surely soon !

Please leave me your thoughts and comments on this extremely worrying possibilty on my comment section below thanks !


Good on ya for getting the info out buddy.
The resistance to a full and proper audit of the depository says it all, anyone who believes that 8000 tons of gold resides in Ft Knox is sadly deluded. It's gone and it ain't ever coming back. You're not going to be able to trade with China or Russia in future years if you don't have any so the US will be in a whole heap of trouble. Anybody wonder why they go around the world stealing it? Ukraine, Libya? Makes me wonder how much gold NK has!?

Well they must have alot of Gold I am pretty sure, plus apparently they have massive reserves of rare metals essential for the production of computerised hardware and weapon systems !! Well maybe time to invest in bullet and beans like the old timer truther have been saying ?? Thanks for the great support and comment @tremendospercy !

We believe in a better way.

What way would that be then @tawasi ? thanks for the support and comment !


This is serious :/

Yes its serious, all of those dollars in circulation around the globe are worthless and when people find out its going to be real bad for everyone !! Unless that is we can retrace where it went and take it back from these " European " Speculators !!

Right but what can the common man do here? Protest? I mean would government even care ?

Hey @gomeravibz thanks for getting this valuable information out! I certainly found the statement to be rather cryptic? Potentially a signal to those in the know that gold is going to be a very safe asset? especially when the news comes out that the gold emperor has no clothes and the cupboards are bare! imagine the effect this news would have on the markets. It would create a financial earthquake that would ripple around the world .. several times over!! Thanks again for getting the word out my friend.

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