ANOTHER STUPID F**KING WAR STARTED WITH A TWEET ! .........What could possibly go wrong ?

in #news6 years ago (edited)


How can anyone possibly think that an escalation of this already insane situation in Syria into a full on Hot War between nuclear powers is worth it as a response to the "possible" use of chemical weapons by Assad and the Syrian Army faithfull to him needs his or her head looking at !

As firstly there is still no concrete proof being provided by anyone that this was a real chemical weapon attack ! Indeed why would Assad who had the " rebels " now on the run and even encircled in some parts of Syria ! Makes no sense at all for him to have done this, in the full knowledge that if he had then he could expect serious heat from these globalist backed forces all biting at the bit to get in there and serve him the same fate as Ghaddafi !

In my opinion for what it is worth, there is no way that he did it, as it makes no real sense at all ! But it does make more sense that the rebels themselves now losing ground might well have in order to give the western media exactly the sort of event which they could muster up anti Assad sentiment in the peoples of the West !

But surely if the risk of this attack is to push everybody into a situation where the whole of the world find themselves at each others throats in a matter of hours and resulting in the outbreak of a war which could finish this planet as a place where any breathing food needing animal could survive if this war goes nuclear, which it seriously could !

We need to all stop now and step back and start thinking seriously to what is going on and who is seriously to blame for this attack if indeed it is not just another attack staged for the television cameras to play out this despicable agenda of the deposition of Assad as ruler of his Country ! When indeed he was by majority revoted into power by the majority of Syrians recently in a democratically held election recently !

Here are two films, both very different in style, the first is a brilliant breakdown and explanation by Stephan Molyneux which poses the good questions and I think clearly shows who really stand to gain by all this !! The second is a powerful and typically animated rant given by Paul Joseph Watson who as ever definately manages to put the thing into a tightly bound nutshell !!

War In Syria: This Could Be The End

Stefan Molyneux
Published on 8 Apr 2018


Paul Joseph Watson
Published on 12 Apr 2018

What could possibly go wrong?


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




God finish this war and enough of the bloodshed of innocent dead. It's time to live in peace.
Greetings from VENEZUELA

yes @pablosky we should all be praying for the end of this insanity, but I fear it can only happen when this global criminal network which strangles reason sanity in the situations we see is arrested, removed and placed in the psychiatric hospital where they belong ! They are a totsal menace to everything and nothing positive or good can happen or evolve while they run this show of Evil !

So it is friend that God takes CONTROL of everything.

what for??
What is achieved from this Fucking war??
Lose the life..
Thanks for sharing, Sir @gomeravibz

War ! what is it good for ? Absolutely Nothing @lafzaia !

Great post homie.

Followed and upvoted.


Sin sentido, muertos niños, niñas, mujeres y hombre en Siria.
Por favor DETENGAN la Guerra.

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