ALERT !! Hurricaine Irma will Hit New York on September 11 !

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Hurricaine Harvey has already decimated Houston just last week as we all know ! Looks like its New York and the East Coast next, as Hurricaine Irma is to hit on September 11 of all dates possible ! This date is strange no ?? Coincidence, I think not ! People there need to be warned and surely evacuated before it hits in one week !

Here is a video which gives you the picture !

I have confirmed this info with my preferred and much relied upon at sea, World Weather web site "". Which uses the same weather determination technology used by the Navy ! The wind forecast is up to and beyond 180 mph and the waves look like they can be in excess of 50 ft !!

If you live or have friends on the East coast, I really think its better to be out of there !

Look at the charts I have provided .




odd. irma wasnt supposed to be heading for east coast.

well it is now I can tell you that ( this will be horrendous if the people are not warned and evacuated !!

Thanks for the heads up

Its what i do me, warn people ! its necessary when seemingly our government does not do it !

Omg! Oh no! 😦😦😢😢😭😭!

yes you better get the word out to anyone you know who lives on the East Coast ! This will be way stronger than Harvey, possibly categorie 5 Hurricaine (

Thanks! People I know are me and my family 😢😭. We live very close to the water 😦.

Oh lord @dewdrop, where is that exactly ? I am so sorry to be the one to give you this news So have yo seen or heard any warnings of this Hurricaine in your local newspaper or television ??

Thanks @gomeravibz! in Manhattan. I'm not watching tv these days because I'm on Steemit 😁. I'll buy noodles and canned food. As long as our windows won't be broken, we should be fine 🤔. Thanks again 😊!

There are strange things going on at the moment.
Wishing all those souls affected all the best!

Yes indeed @rootingrobert, strange and dark days !! Ihopw my warning on this might save a few lives here in this community !

Thanks for raising awareness! I am so glad I am in the far east at the moment. Haven't been in the US but being around in Europe gives me a bad feeling. Energy's not good.

Yes so that makes two fo us @rootingrobert, I have the same feeling nd intuition ! But then I was sure this year would be a special one and so far its proving to be the case !

I already thought last year to be doomsyear but although this year being more intense somehow I am way calmer in my mind and just go with the occurring circumstances.

We are living in an interesting time my friend!

Yes funny you say this, as this too is my feeling on things ! The more desperate it looks the more my mind takes stock and goes into extreme lucidity mode and I find myself just so supercharged with energy and thoought ! I mean I have never writeen so many posts here on steemit in such a short time ! I feel the human responsibility to others more than ever !! Steem On Brother )

Thank you for sharing this. I have family in New York. Not is the NYC area but in Niagara Falls. I am not sure if they too are going to get hit, but looks that way and has me worrying for them and everyone on the East Coast. The Weather has been very troublesome over the last for weeks for everyone in different places. All I can do is to pray for everyone's safety. This is the time to come closer as people to be compassion and give helping hands for those that need it. May everyone on the East Coast and else where be safe. Thank you again for sharing this.

Thats ok @jaenet, its the least that i can do considering the circumstances ! Well this info needs to get out and the government needs to react and do the necessary ! I really thing that the wind will be extremly bad, but the water will be much worse as we have seen already in Houston ! I am a sailor for 17 years and this realy looks like as bad as it can get ( please warn people and get them to warn others, its my hope to save people by getting this out there quickly !

This is terrible news. Thanks for getting the word out.

¡No problem @lynsaybowes ! Its normal to try and warn people when you see life threatening situations develop ! I am a man of the sea and I try and take care of my crew ! Have you seen info on TV or newspapers over there which forewarns of the this Hurricaine ! There needs to be major evacuations seriously !

No but I don't watch the MSM...your article here is the first I've heard of it. I hope everyone remains safe and unharmed by this. :'(

Well thats just plain crazy, they should be seriously evacuating the east coast ! This is going to be worse than bad and people in the path of this monster are going to be quickly in serious trouble ! This is total incompetence and i ask myself is this another plan by the elites, as indeed this hurricaine is just so huge one wonders if this could be weather manipulation? ! The date i still find very strange do you not ??

Yes, weather modification is absolutely real, and they ALWAYS profit off of disaster. Problems = Profits, so it's easy to see the motive in engineering massive storms like this. Of course the date is suspect as hell too... :'(

very odd! But nothing surprises me anymore.. I have a lot of family up there. Ugh hope it moves out to the ocean🌞 thanks for posting

It will not move out to the Ocean I am afraid @road2wisdom, its moving from west to east and will I promise you hit land sure on the 11th !! If you have family you need to warn them and advise they get away no joke ( They should also warn all around them too !

Goodness these hurricanes can stop, nobody wants them here! Thanks for the update!

Nobody ever wants a Hurricainse @crystalpacheco ) Its the nature of the Beast ! (

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