Visitante desagradable. - Unpleasant visitor

in #news4 years ago

El Domingo mi esposo compró vegetales, estaban muy bonitos y frescos. Entre los vegetales, habían los aliños para la comida (cebollín, ajoporro y cilantro). Como de costumbre, lavé y desinfecté el cebollín y ajoporro sin problema, pero cuando me dispuse a lavar el cilantro, sentí algo raro en uno de mis dedos y cuando revisé...

On Sunday my husband bought vegetables, they were very nice and fresh. Among the vegetables, there were seasonings for the meal (chives, garlic porro and coriander). As usual, I washed and sanitized the chives and garlic porro with no problem, but when I got down to washing the cilantro I felt something weird on one of my fingers and when I checked ...

Era esta babosa!!! hay personas a las que estas cosas no les importan mucho, pero a mi, la verdad casi me da algo jajaja... esos animales me dan mucho asco al verlos de lejos, imagínense sentirlo en mi dedo.

It was this slug !!! There are people who do not care much about these things, but to me, the truth almost gives me something hahaha ... those animals really disgust me when I see them from afar, imagine feeling it on my finger.

No sé cuantas veces lavé mi mano... pero mi hija, Kathe, a quien le gusta todo tipo de bichos, aprovechó la oportunidad de fotografiar a la babosa, tomó muchas fotos y le pregunté si haría un album de tantas fotos que le tomó, pero ella nunca había visto una babosa así de cerca. A penas mi hija terminó de fotografiarla, boté a la babosa.

I don't know how many times I washed my hand ... but my daughter, Kathe, who likes all kinds of critters, took the opportunity to photograph the slug, took many photos and I asked her if she would make an album of so many photos that she took , but she had never seen a slug this close. As soon as my daughter finished photographing her, I kicked the slug out.

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