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RE: New Brain Hacking Program Could Enable Us To "Upload" Skills In The Future!

in #news7 years ago

Personally I think that would make people even lazier. They would just not bother to learn anything for themselves anymore. We are already experiencing issues with kids not wanting to read and learn. It might make things easier but that is it.


100% agreed. Also, if there's no limit, everybody would just learn everything and we'd have an abundance of super-athletes, super-musicians, super-scientists etc.

Imagine that! LOL There would not be any competition whatsoever...what a disaster for this world!

lol...sorry but to have all the knowledge to do something does not magically impart ability !... nice dream tho... if you are 4'3" you are going to struggle at basketball, if you are out of shape and over weight that has real life consequences that knowledge can not dissipate!... a paractice effect works better
namaste ! and no offense intended. :-)

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