How the hell this steemit works ?
I really don't get it how some people without posting something special get good upvote and earn money ,whats the secret ?
I really don't get it how some people without posting something special get good upvote and earn money ,whats the secret ?
I get it, it is hard to get going on this platform. My best advice to those starting out is to comment, comment, comment on others works that you like. It will help build relationships with other people who you might like your work. Some people say that you should produce a ton of content, but I have found that commenting nets me more rewards than posting in the beginning. But I digress. It takes investment, either of money into the system or content. I have been at this for a while, and I make very little off the my posts. Just keep at it and build your following, you have great content, it just takes time.