Bitcoin Going Main Stream - Crazy News Coverage today!

in #news7 years ago

Normally when trading stocks and bitcoin I'm watching CNBC and listening to the different ideas they toss out. It's a great investment channel and they keep it interesting.
Every so often there comes a discussion about bitcoin and my eyes become glued to the T.V.

I love hearing analysist Shit-talk bitcoin!
Especially the ignorant ones talking out of there ass!!

Except today was different

Bitcoin was Featured 3X by Investment Analysts!

These were some good fund managers with lots of experience in the fields and there optimism over Bitcoin completely blew me away!

I recall one analyst by the name of Josh and he was quite memorable...

(Not exact quotes but close to the point)

  • Anchor asks " So Josh, I hear you took the plunge and bought some bitcoins, why so?"

  • Josh responds
    " Yes I did, actually this was 2 weeks ago when I bought in at $2300 and as you can see, I found instant gratification"

  • " But Josh, You have been one of the most negative analysts we have had on the show, why the change of heart?"

  • " Well, to tell the truth... I'm sick of being wrong about bitcoin. For years I have said bitcoin is going to die... Oh hack, bitcoins going to die.... another exchange failed, yup bitcoins dead... Silk road? Thats the final straw, bitcoin will die...
    I realized I was beginning to sound like a broken record and I was horribly wrong, obviously."
    " I also realized that for how many times I thought Bitcoin would die, and honestly it should have died. Anything else in this world, investment wise, experiencing just a sliver of what bitcoin experienced would have died."
    "Plain and simple, Bitcoin should have died!"
    "But it didn't, and I had to give credit to something so resilient and capable to withstand such devastating blows"
    "I realized it's not just a fad, Bitcoin is here to stay. And I don't plan on selling anytime soon"

I looked for the video on YouTube but couldn't find it anywhere... It was a great interview!

The other 2 segments on Bitcoin had to do with analyzing against Gold.
During the Interview, one of the analysts expects bitcoin to reach 5% gold market cap

Equivalent to $30,000-50,000 per Bitcoin!

I did find this video from today, it's definitely a good watch for all crypto enthusiasts!

All this is very exciting!

Prepare for MoonLaunch - 10k Bitcoins here we come!

Thank you for reading my posting on Steemit

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a bitcoin fanatic and alt-coin enthusiast


It is amazing to see how bitcoin and crypto are always coming up in the main stream media.
They always try to shit talk it and beat it down since they are sceptical but they purely don't understand that it has proven it works as well as it is better than our current fiat transactions.
Cryptocurrency is going to the moon and that is already seen from the total market cap.
Great share @generation.easy

Think about Crypto market caps in the trillion dollar range!

It would get really crazy around here.

pepole do not realize yet that cryptos is the only way on earth to tranfer any amount of funds to anybody without friction (well very minimal) , there is no other way ...

this is the first time in history when this is possible. it will be big.

The general population is clueless...
By the time the mass majority of common people join, it will be too late for the massive profits we will be recieving!

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66426.55
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62