Is this the crash? My experiences say.... | genblockchainnews

in #news6 years ago

I just checked Coinmarketcap and felt like...


Is that how you just feel? Then is this article especially for you!

The stats

The stats are pretty clear today. On average, every cryptocurrencie has been falling around 10%. This brings us to a price of 9000$ for one Bitcoin.
It really seems to be a bad day but as an investor you have to think without emotions, because they force you to make mistakes. So let's turn off our emotions and start analyzing the situation! Yes I know that it's pretty hard if you have just lost some thousand dollars within 2 hours.... 😥

What's actually going on? Is this the crash?

First of all, don't panic. This isn't the crash. Blockchain is just about to change our whole world and it can't be stopped. The only question is how it will be adopted and which sectors will profitate first of this innovation. But why am I so sure that this isn't the crash? Here are some arguments:

1: Comparing the current development with the last years:

As a professional trader or investor you must not forget that every market has something like a "brain". I know that this sounds strange but I will show you with two charts what I mean:

The drop in January 2018:


The drop in January 2017:

Now you see what I mean! If a market has already shown a special behaviour it is pretty likely that the market may do the same thing again. And that's actually the thing that happend! Just check out older charts and you will see that it actually happens every year to Bitcoin.

2: But what are the reasons for the "January drop"?

This was the first question that came to my mind as I saw this pattern in the Cryptomarket. So I started researching and I found a logical solution. Maybe you remember the beginning of December before Christmas. You were able to see a strong drop because people were taking their profits to buy surprises or something like that. But you know what?
Friday, 16. February is the Chinese New Year! So it is just happening the same thing. People are cashing out to see their balances and to celebrate their New Year! As Asian has the biggest influence on the whole market this is the reason why a big amount of money is missing. This should be one of the biggest reasons for this behaviour!

3: The future is waiting for Blockchain Technology:

The potential of the Blockchain Technology is just unbelievable. Decentralized systems will change our whole ecosystems and Steemit (Steem) is a very good example. This technology will give back the power to the society. I just read and article about Samsung, one of the biggest technology companies of the world, and they just confirmed that they are going to build chips for mining:
When big companies like Samsung are beginning to work with this new technology you can be 100% sure that they are not doing this because of FOMO... They really know what they are doing and it really seems like big companies are just beginning to discover the potential of Bitcoin and it´s technology.

What does this mean for me?

Hopefully I was able to convince you that this isn't the crash of the Cryptomarket. It's actually a normal development and if you want to make profits you should just HODL and buy the dips. The market is still growing and I see many things coming that we can't even imagine... 😄

What are your thoughts about this issue? 🤳


Official article by "genblockchain"

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Hahaha, I just made the same face as the cat! And now it is down to $8,867. But we should be patient and not get too emotional. Great read by the way ;)

Thank you very much! :) Yes i totally understand you^^ I am pretty convinced that it's going to boom again when the Chinese are reinvesting.... Give the market two weeks to relax :D

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59367.33
ETH 3172.01
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43