Beligerant "Uncle Bob" facing impeachment UPDATE: HE's RESIGNED

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The military takeover last week which placed Robert "Uncle Bob" Mugabe and his wannabe despot wife under house arrest last week received widespread support from most sectors of the country.

Bob has refused to bow out and this has lead to bolder and bolder steps to have him removed.

Crouds of protesters have marched calling for his resignation and over the week-end the ruling party Zanu-PF "recalled" him and expelled his wife from the party.

The recall gave him until yesterday to resign as president of the country or face impeachment proceeding beginning today.

Today the motion for impeachment is to be placed before parliament for a vote.

Mugabe has many mansions all over the world he could "retire" to, but South Africa seems to be a little out of the question for the time being.

His wife, it would seem, assaulted a model with an electrical extension cord last time she was in SA and with those allegations doing the rounds and potential criminal charges pending for assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm, SA may not be the best spot for him to settle.

SA and BOB as out northern neighbor have always had and interesting relationship. Check out this funny add below from Christmas time a couple of years back.

The "Last Dictator Standing" commercial.

Which dictators do you recognize?

It had to be pulled rather quickly from TV, you can see more about the fallout here.

UPDATE: a little over an hour ago he finally resigned.

There is jubilation in the streets as the country goes nuts about the news.


Hahahaha what a great way to advertise!!

Let me hope what happened to Libya will not happen to any other African country or Zimbabwe at the moment

Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Zimbabwe. Hmm what do all these nations have in common?

Mugabe served his nation with distinction and he did so for a long time. Mistakes were made but he is no criminal. Zimbabwe never attacked any nation, never dropped Atom bombs on other people, never genocided anybody. However one problem with revolutionaries is that when they get to power and usually on a wave of popular support or the power of the gun or both they refuse to leave. They glue their backsides to the chair of power and cannot be removed. Mugabe is like 80 or 90, well above pension age so it's time for him to step aside and let another Zimbabwean serve their country.

what are you smoking????

never genocided anybody

Ever heard of the matableleland massacres and more recently the helicopter gunships to clear the diamond fields?

Helicopter gunships to clear mine fields sounds like some crazy over the top shit. What is the back story?
If the man committed crimes let him face trial in Zimbabwe among his own people. He is however probably too old to serve any prison.

He had 40 000 Matabeles slaughtered, imprisoned and tortured anyone that disagreed with him, had opposition party members killed. He is a mass murderer

It was done by the military under direction of the government. Up till now the military, ruling party and police have all been in cahoots.

The senile Mugabe has stepped out of line by pushing for his wife as his successor instead of his right hand man and the party and military favorite.

Hence the current action to oust him and put the party, military and police back in charge.

Most times this kind of news is not available readily to the public!

Yeah because things are so much better in Libya now.
/sarcasm off

Que tienen todas estas naciones en común? amigo PETROLEO en el caso de VENEZUELA es el país con mayor reserva a nivel mundial unos 500 aÑos, por ejemplo en el Arco minero del Orinoco con una extensión de 111.000 kilometros desde la Guayana Esequba hasta la Frontera con Colombia ORO,DIAMANTES,CARBÓN HIERRO BAUXITA COLTAN Y OTROS MINERALES. Si¡ en mi opinión personal por su afán de poder cometen crímenes contra los DD.HH.

Zimbabwe had certainly learnt a lesson from the events at lybia

From becoming Prime Minister in 1980 to becoming President in 1987 Robert Mugabe has been the strongman of Zimbabwean politics. But just like it was with Samson, like it was with Julius Caesar, and like it was with Marc Antony the power hungry and manipulative woman he kept beside him has become his undoing.

Who would of thought a chicken restaurant could be so mocking, excellent!

Sad to say, this whole episode is more about removing the typist who wanted to be queen, because she finally overplayed her hand. The future doesn't bode well just because he is gone

The greatest challenge in Africa is that most of our leaders have refused to growm old, and by the time age starts taking its share of flesh on them, they start thinking like kids. What is Mugabe still doing in power? The mark of a true and successful leader is in the sons (successors) he has raised. As much as i dont support military government or rule, i think Mugabe has to give way and whichever way he is ousted is justified. The man is closer to the ancestors and should by now become a mesum of wisdom where the younger generation go to drink from and not cling to power. He should have on his own accord retired for long and avoid this embarrasement on his noble efforts in Zimbabwe. The stress of leadership is not even good for his age. The younger generation are the leaders of tomorrow and they should be given the opportunity to make their mistakes and be corrected by elderstatesman like Pa Mugabe

yes...finally Uncle Bob reisgned to the jubiliation of not only Zimbabweans, but the rest of Africa. Personally, i have lots of Zimbabwean friends in Bulawayo and Harare who i pity so much because of the issues happening in their country no thanks to repulsive regime and bad government policy. I still maintain that its shameful to see African leaders who started well but for greed and feeling of insecurity due to crimes of what they did while in power still keep hold of power for so long to become a liability rather than an asset... Mugabe is not only a Prebend who no thanks to his beautiful young wife never realized that power is not sexually transmitted but that he miscalculated by sacking the only strong Crocodile beside him who has the support of majority of the military. Long live Zimbabwe...long Live Africa...Finally another new down coming to that beautiful country... thanks @gavvet for sharing this

Hummm... A whooping 37yr as a president.. Unbeliveable maybe he must have deprived his subjects the right to education that is the one major reason reason why he never had strong political rivals all those years or maybe he use jax on them...

Strangely enough, Zimbabweans have a very high literacy rate and the standard of education is even higher than our education levels here in South Africa). He definitely used something on them!

Finally, it happened. All the troubles of the people were from him, he had to be removed as early as 2009 when there was a hypo inflation in the country. Of course, it will not be long before the country rises from its knees, but it begins already for a better life.
I know Muammar Gaddafi rules until 2011
The leader of Libya since September 1, 1969. He came to power as a result of a coup d'etat that overthrew the monarchy. He organized the persecution of the opposition, introduced a one-party system.

Excellent video, it seems that the time has passed for another dictator to go down in history, the most important thing is that this took place without unnecessary blood and clashes between the people and the army! I think he will repeat the story of Emperor Bokass and Haile Selassie Thank you @gavvet

Haha! Mugabe. Still wondering duo, why the people of Zimbabwe took this long to try to remove Mugabe after he has been ruling the country illegally for long?

Its been a long time coming-Mugabe should have been removed ages ago. He really spoiled the economy of that country. Zimbabweans should change their constitution to ensure presidents rule for not more than 2 terms. Mugabe now is so drunk with power he can't resign and has to be forced out. The power of the people has no limits:)

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