in #news7 years ago

Get on TV with a "CNN is ISIS" t-shirt or sign!

Infowars is launching a new contest to stand up to the Left’s calls for violence against the president and against other Americans for simply exercising their right to promote Americana.

Infowars is launching a new $200,000 contest to expose CNN’s Kathy Griffin and mainstream media’s call for violence.

We will expose the media’s terrorist campaign.

Remember during the 2016 presidential election, the establishment media tried to falsely manufacture stories about Trump being a sexual predator.

We knew it was essential that we point out that this tactic was simply a projection because the Clintons knew their big weaknesses were Bill Clinton’s sexual predatory past and Hillary Clinton’s history of defending rapists and child molesters when she was a lawyer.

That is why we launched the “Bill Clinton is a Rapist” operation, which became one of the main pivot points in the campaign.

Now we the American people, sick and tired of the bullying fake news media and their war on free speech and independent press, are standing up to this intimidation.

We encourage everyone to not just hold up signs to point out that CNN is ISIS and that MSM are terrorists, but to also use this campaign as an example to point out when mainstream media and entertainment writers, editors and hosts are calling for violence against Trump and against his supporters for simply only trying to make America great again.

Here’s the contest rules and here’s to our famous “Bill Clinton is a Rapist” successes. I salute you all; happy hunting!

Buy your T-shirt and Find out more about the contest Here

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