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RE: Innocent Mom Jailed for 5 Months As Cops Mistake Vitamins for Opioids

in #news6 years ago

"considering a lawsuit".... with what attorney? In what American Court?!! LOL

The Founders of our nation kept trying to remind us how important it is to be involved in participation regarding who will govern. "We gave you a Republic... if you can keep it!" "The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance."... What did they have in mind with that statement?

Did they not know how impossible that is when considering the level of activity demanded when considering 3 or 4 levels of intertwining, colluding governments lording over you? Did these wise men REALLY believe these different levels would guard us against the others? 3 Branches and a "check & balance over power?" SERIOUSLY?????

Kokesh is right. Let's begin by sending the worst level home! End the Fed... ALL OF IT! "Split 50!" is a great start. What does the federal government do, that the foolish statists in America believe their respective state can't accomplish without WDC pulling strings or tying them in knots?

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