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RE: Organized Crime's Control of Police and Government Exposed in Loudoun Co., VA - America's Wealthiest

in #news6 years ago

all the “services” provided by government — from protection to roads to charity — can be better provided by voluntary interaction, the free market, and real charity?

The problem is that protection agencies are all going to be corrupt and have violent conflicts until one emerges as the dominant one,then that is what is called the government.


Why would you believe that all protection agencies would be corrupt? Are ADT, Westtec and other private security companies all corrupt? What crimes could they get away without being fired by their clients? Are they going to break into everyone's house instead of protect it? Don't you think if the dominant market player even whiffed at something like arming up against their clients the clients wouldn't find out when they started buying tanks and Bearcats?

Those agencies exist within the framework of government force, they usually call the real police. They don't really resolve things themselves. They can't arrest anyone.
They don't commit crimes not because they fear being fired by their clients they don't commit crimes because of the threat of criminal sanctions from the government. Just like anyone else.

I disagree completely on every point.

  1. They exist within the framework fo government force because organized crime has imposed "government" (mind control) on the population and given themselves a monopoly on the use of force and courts/"justice" and mandated that they alone can act in these areas.
  2. Private security companies and third-party arbitration could resolve issues of crime/restitution if it wasn't for organized crime. The idea that only government can address these issues was taught to you in your mandatory government school. There is an excellent short video on how freedom and free markets can provide better protection and justice in the "Short Videos" section of: The Liberator. It is called The Machinery of Freedom and is an illustrated speech of economist David Friedman. You can find it here:
  3. Private security companies, companies and private individual CAN and DO arrest people today but must turn them over to the monopoly police.
  4. The idea that most private companies and people don't commit crimes becasue of the threat of criminal sanctions from the government is ludicrous. Most people don't commit crimes because the majority of people abide by the golden rule and aren't criminals. Most violent criminals are far more worried about being shot and killed by an armed victim/driver/homeowner than they are about the pathetic response times and/or apprehension rates of monopoly police. Would you start robbing and killing your neighbors just because it wasn't officially a "law" anymore or because we had private protection agencies vs. a monopoly system run by organized crime?
  1. yup, the government is the dominant protection agency and thus without that private security agencies would not be exactly the same as they are with that paradigm right?
    So it does not make sense to expect that ADT would be the same without police to call when their alarms go off. If we want to see what competing protection agencies would be like in a paradigm without a strong dominant protection agency there are lots of examples, the Crips, La Cosa Nostra, the triads, MS 13 and all the rest.
  2. for one that video was not short. Secondly his basic premise "violence is expensive" is wrong, violence is very cheap. That's why gang members AKA rights protection agencies often resort to violence to settle disputes. A bullet is a lot cheaper than hiring an arbitrator. He also has another premise that everyone would contract with such an agency, but of course not everyone could afford it or choose to pay, so there would be plenty of people who could be victimized without any agency protection, violence is their only option in that system. Note his only example of such a system was from a science fiction novel.
  3. Not really, in some places, where anyone can arrest someone, they can do a citizens arrest like any other citizen in other places they can detain someone until the police show up.

How much would your ADT bill be if ADT actually had to investigate and then prosecute and punish all the people who set off their alarms?

  1. yes, right away, a lot of people would, we know because they do it now even with the threat of government force, you wouldn't? The next thing you know there is a group like ISIS that is the rights protection agency in your area.
  1. There is no reason at all to believe that private companies wouldn't be able to provide the exact same or better service than a monopoly government provider and there is ample evidence that demonstrates that they are doing it today. Essentially protection service is an armed, trained guy with a car that comes immediately when called. The only difference is the guy who arrives when you call ADT or a similar private company won't insanely and delusionally think he has rights you don't like the monopoly Statist cult-member/order followers. Your references to MS-13, crips and bloods make my point since these groups are thriving in the monopoly Statist policing world getting their energy and income from the govt's war on drugs. With no insane profits from drugs these groups become minimized.

  2. Your premise that people who couldn't pay for protection is faulty as well. The Detroit Threat Management Center is a private, for-profit protection company that has grown because the monopoly police in Detroit suck. They provide protection and help to non-customers when needed because #1. It is the right thing to do #2. It creates goodwill in the communities they serve which is good for business (The Invisible Hand) #3. It takes criminals off the streets which is beneficial to their paying clients. #4. From the officer prospective it is fun to bust bad guys and help people.

  3. Yes Really. You are stretching here. Anyone that sees a crime being committed can take action and stop it.

  4. Your bill from ADT would be a lot less than the taxes you are paying for an inefficient monopoly provider where the organized crime governments are mulcting the population with multi-million dollar pensions (See our example in: The Liberator where Chicago's police as an example are robbing the population for millions each pension + the population wouldn't have to pay multi-million dollar settlements for egregious conduct by shave-headed cult members who think they have rights that others don't and know they are protected in the government's monopoly courts by their fellow government (Organized crime) employees the prosecutors and judges.

  5. Yes, if we got rid of the organized crime government there would probably be a transition period where some very small number of people would literally think they had a license to steal and would try it. They would be thinned out quick by a combination of armed citizens and private protection companies. ISIS is a creation of the US intelligence agencies and the Mossad that gets moved around the middle east to wherever we want to invade. Even if it was real the idea that a community would contract with ISIS is, frankly, ridicules. But let's say some radical Islamic community contracted with a crazy group like ISIS for protection.. They would be providing protection... If they started robbing their clients they would be fired... If they began victimizing other people in the community they would have to deal with the competing protection agencies.

Finally, I have entertained this just to demonstrate to readers that the free market can and is providing better alternatives than monopoly policing but your comment on ISIS is so outside of a rational thought that I am going to bow out from any further conversation with you on this subject. Best, EdlB2

  1. those groups exist because the government has abdicated its responsibility to regulate the selling of drugs. So then other organizations arise to regulate that trade, gangs and cartels. They arise in the absence of government regulation. What in your system prevents the protection/ extortion agencies from consolidating into a monopoly? Why wouldn't company A simply buy or merge with all their competition?
    Since government force is the only thing that breaks up monopolies, why wouldn't the protection agencies always become monopolistic and put you right back to square one? Prohibition is the abdication of regulation.
    Instead of paying arbitrators and expensive payments to the other protection agencies it would make a lot more sense to just consolidate.

  2. yeah, someone else used them as an example, you know what their number one thing they advocate for on their website? Calling the police. They don't take any criminals off the streets, they call the police. Mostly though it seems like they provide overpriced firearms training. Kind of a ripoff.

  3. But what would be in it for them? How well equipped is the average person to stop a crime? I wouldn't stop a crime myself in most cases, unless it was against me or my family or neighbors, it's not my problem. Most people won't or can't.

  4. So ADT wouldn't provide pensions for it's employees and they would never get sued? Underpaid security guards are going to really give a shit about the rights of people who don't have the protection of protection agencies. No one has ever complained about a mall security guard right?

  5. If you get rid of the organized crime government then the other organized criminals battle it out to become the new government.

But let's say some radical Islamic community contracted with a crazy group like ISIS for protection.. They would be providing protection... If they started robbing their clients they would be fired... If they began victimizing other people in the community they would have to deal with the competing protection agencies.

LOL, but this is not a hypothetical, ISIS is in control in some cities, and they victimize the shit out of and kill the people there and the people there can't really do shit about it. Anyone who opposes them is lined up and shot, decapitated or burned alive, there is no firing them or hiring a private protection agency. That's what happens in real life.

So real life is outside of rational thought when considering a political system based on a science fiction novel. Got it.

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