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RE: Bye Bye Miss American Pie ! "Beauty is a Priveledge and must be Stamped Out " Social Marxist Agenda kills Miss America Banning the Bikini !!

in #news6 years ago

I like a girl with a little meat on her bones, a lot of men do. the ultra skinny standard of beauty comes from women, I like tits and ass. Trump was smart to sell that stupid pageant when he did.


Oh did he own that too ??? wow i never knew that @funbobby51 !! Yeah i bet he could smell the coffee before even the coffee was in the pot !! Sure i like a bit of meat on my ladies too, but not blubber eh ??

he owned the whole Miss Universe, one of their attempts to anger people at Trump was about his habit of walking through the Miss Teen USA dressing room and bragging about it.

Well if thats true then i must say thats pretty disgusting, but then rich men have alwasy been pretty disgusting with regard to women !! Well at least he is not gay like Obama !! ))

he was a Democrat in the 90s when he said that so everyone thought it was funny and OK

Yeah well just a sign of the times now in England that is no more the nice and genteel place that it was ! Now itys a thirid world cess pit destroyed over decades of persistant and militarised leftist ideology put in place by the social marxists hideen in every level of government and civil service !
sSeriously it will take a civil war and purge to get this vermin out, but what a tragic waste of human life ?? Should have never got to this stage !! I was a little disappoioiunted not to be able to read more on this event from your post, but then I can already get the picture from the headline and i really cannot say i am surprised ! (

Do Brits still possess the stiff upper lip and testicular fortitude necessary for such a thing? did they ever?
did the parley link not work?

No i tried clicking the image but it was inactive ! The text link worked but just lead me to parley and the text you had written there ! But it was the report on this mugging in which i was more interested ! As for the British, dont you worry about them, they can do things with a potatoe peeler that would make your skin crawl !! lol

seems to be working now, parley is just so slow. I have heard their food is bad. ;)

Their Fish,n Chips is Good ))) Concerning Trump, at least he is not like Obama and that nancy Trudeau ! Look at damage they did ! Yeah a red blooded male is better than some SOY boy, at least they shoot from the hip and not just poking something up your ass from behind ))

All those guys and all their media hating Trump so hard just makes me like him, Trump prefers a frontal assault, grab em by the pussy!

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