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RE: Parents Arrested, Lose Custody of Son After Giving Him Cannabis to Treat Seizures [Steemit Exclusive]

in #news6 years ago (edited)

you can buy it online, where did I suggest that parents should refrain from helping relieve their children's debilitating suffering because some old-fashioned, authoritarian politicians threaten to throw them in a cage for using a plant? If you don't like the law you are free to work to change it or to go to somewhere that the law is more to your liking, you can be as free as you want. So could these people but they didn't do things the right way.


Sorry but no. This mentality is EXACTLY the problem.

Is it? Or was the problem here that people choose not to comply with the law and then cried about it when they got busted?
Is the solution to bad laws to break them or to try to change them?

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