Merry Christmas! Download your "COVID Carols" Songsheet!

in #news4 years ago (edited)

Download the PDF here

Back in 2011, during Derrick J's Victimless Crime Spree, a talented parody writer living in Keene at the time, Richard Onley, created some amazing "Chronic Carols". They were funny and poignant parodies of classic Christmas carols, like "Drug War Cops are Raiding the School" - set to the tune of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town. We had lots of fun forming the Shire Choir and held a series of performances both inside and outside state liquor stores.

The point of the Chronic Carols was to protest the insane war on drugs and do it in a creative and fun way, as singing is much more likely to bring people together or get people to listen to new ideas than say, chanting. Chanting can come across as mindless and angry whereas singing is harmonious. Singing is a virtually unassailable activity as a protest and the American civil rights movement had a lot of success with song, as did the "Singing Revolution" in Estonia.

Fast forward to the present situation where the war on drugs has lightened up a little - at least on cannabis - but now the war is coming against people who just want to breath free, associate with others, hug, or smile at another person. The madness of prohibition has changed into an insane medical authoritarian state. If there was ever a time for the Shire Choir to come back, it's now.

Actually, the Shire Choir has already come back this year. It was when we visited the NH Attorney General's house on Thanksgiving and performed the original Chronic Carols, since the war on drugs the AG is behind is still harming innocent, peaceful drug users and dealers. It was fun, but it was clear we needed some current material that could be sung in more places.

Thankfully, Captain Kickass - a longtime professional parody writer who happens to live in Keene - stepped up and cranked out four "COVID Carols" in just a matter of days. The tunes parodied include "Do you hear what I hear?", which has become "Do you fear what I fear?", "Merry Little Christmas" is now "Sterile Little Christmas", "Joy to the World" as "Close down the World", and "Little Drummer Boy" replaced by "Little Lockdown Boy". Johnson Rice provided some talented graphic design to put the Captain's creative lyrics to classic Christmas carols onto a dual-sided color songsheet that you can easily print out and share. Though we have the Shire Choir here in New Hampshire, these songs are intended for the entire world. You can form your own choir and sing anywhere this COVID madness and tyranny has struck.

We have found ourselves in a world now where the Centers for Disease Control is telling people not to sing and local government gangs are telling business owners they aren't allowed to host karaoke and then fining them if they do. Seriously, that's really happening.

Don't let yourself be silenced by the state or social pressure. Sing loud, proud, and hopefully in unison with others. Download and print your own "COVID Carols" songsheet PDF now! Please do share it anywhere you like. It's our gift to you that hopefully will brighten your spirits on what is an otherwise depressing year and holiday season. It's darkest before the light - don't lose hope and please make it your New Year's resolution to join the liberty migration to New Hampshire in 2021!


These are great. Love them. Will be sharing them on FB and Steem. Thanks.

I just looked on zillow for homes for sale near Keene and Manchester, and there are almost none. And the RETaxes are exorbitant!

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