Bicyclist Traveling From Florida to New Hampshire NOW!

in #news7 years ago

One week ago, Johnathon Dunker made the announcement on the Free Talk Live forum that he's kicking off a 1,500 mile bike ride from Florida to New Hampshire! He says he's moving to NH as part of the Shire Society, and his destination is Keene (after he visits the Porcupine Freedom Festival).

Dunker has been riding upwards of 100 miles per day for over a week, starting in Sebastian, FL. As of this writing, he's currently in Virginia. He is part of an ongoing migration of liberty-minded activists who are picking up their lives and moving to be near other libertarians and voluntarists so we can have a greater impact on one state. (It's already working!)

Longtime readers of this blog will remember when Will Buchanan (now known as Will Anderson) moved to New Hampshire for the Free State Project by walking across the country from Oregon. Like the most hardcore activists, Will's still here, working with the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance in the state house.

Dunker, while not following in Anderson's exact footsteps is definitely making his move to the Shire with the same spirit. Not many people make a big deal out of their move. This is the first such spectacle in nearly a decade, and it's awesome! Dunker has been calling in to Free Talk Live over the last week with updates, in addition to posting a bunch of photos and GPS tracking maps to his blog at He's also been interacting with people on his discussion thread on the Shire Forum.

Interestingly, in his interviews on Free Talk Live, Dunker specified that he's moving as part of the Shire Society, rather than the Free State Project. Both are active migrations of liberty-loving people to New Hampshire, but the Shire Society doesn't have any central control. There's no board of directors nor any membership list. People who want to join the Shire Society need only sign the Shire Society declaration. It's basically a personal declaration of independence from the state that dozens signed in a ceremony at the 2010 Porcfest.

No information on signers is collected, so the Shire Society has no statistics on who has moved or signed up. That said, it's likely thousands of people have signed, since over 200 average folks from NH signed it at the Cheshire County fair a few years ago, and that event was only five days long.

If you love liberty, you should also be considering making your move to New Hampshire, ASAP. If you're still on the fence, here are 101 reasons why you should.

You can follow Dunker's cycling journey to NH on his blog, and interact with him on the all-new Shire Forum.

Good luck, Johnathon! See you in the Shire.


Nice article! I have upvoted your post,can you upvote my post too?Thanks

what a trip he's making! wow

That's truly incredible!!
Upvote and following now!

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