in #news6 years ago (edited)

"U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he set up the U.N. just before his death in 1945 wanted the U.N. to evolve into a democratic government of the world, with elected representatives of each and every one of the world’s governments — to evolve into becoming the global international republic — regardless of whether or not the U.S. Government approves or disapproves of another nation’s government. The idea on which the U.N. was founded was not to involve the U.S. Government in the internal affairs of other nations, not to be the judge jury and executioner of other governments that it doesn’t like, nor to dictate what other nations should or should not do within the given nation’s boundaries. FDR intended that there instead be democratically represented, at the U.N., each and every nation, and each and every people within that global government, where each of these national governments is (hopefully but not necessarily) a democracy."
~ from "How Big Brother Grips Americans' Minds To Support Invasions" by Tyler Durden in ZeroHedge this week.

The above, quoted from the article would be all fine and dandy if the UN had not been hijacked from the outset by the global predator class who have quite different views from FDR.

They saw the idea of the United Nations as a chance to control the world as had been their ancestral dream and goal for 2,000 years mimimum.
The United Nations does not, on the surface at least, approve of the United States stomping around the world setting up military bases and imposing its will everywhere it goes. Why should we still have, for example, US military bases in the UK and elsewhere in Europe?

However, the UN does nothing to curb the US, preferring instead to wail pitifully but in an entirely weak and fake way about the extreme "collateral damage" that US war efforts have wrought on the world.

Clearly, behind closed doors, the global predator class of aristocratic and corporate moguls are actively encouraging the US military to continue destroying world peace because that serves their interests mighty fine, thank you!
All done at the dumb expense of the US tax payers too!
How jolly cheap and convenient is that?

Nothing better than terrorising the world into submission and having a big dumb scapegoat taking the full blame at the end of the day.
Oh joy, for the predators!
They get to keep and develop their vile global control, profit enormously from the enterprise and even collect massive interest upon endless unpayable debt from those who cannot afford to rebuild after a thorough US experimental weapons assault.

Millions of dead, millions of displaced, pressure on the neighbouring countries to accommodate and feed the victims which all provides the fake United Nations with a golden opportunity to fundraise from the strapped and enslaved world for yet another UNESCO clean up project that seems to require many billions of dollars for very poor and limited results.

NGOs spring into the affray with heartbreaking fundraising appeals, photos of starving children and devastated cities and towns.
Thousands of ex-military gung-ho trained murderers for hire as "security" by panic-striken countries, hundreds of foreign contractors pouring in to repair the damage caused by the military industrial complex at exhorbitant prices.
And joy above all joy for the predator class, total control and exploitation of the afflicted country's natural resources resulting in a delicious additional land grab to add to their collection.

So, just as the long and very interesting ZeroHedge article concludes, what we are seeing in the world is far from the democratic and republican global governance that FDR had visualised.
It has become a totalitarian nightmare controlled even more tightly by the ever more wealthy and internationally occult, aristocratic predator class aka the ubiquitous Black Nobility.


Their joy must be reaching the point of psycho-orgasm on a daily basis because, as long as the bread and circuses, self esteem and false pride are pumped up by their mass media, the chemically coshed, hypnotised public will keep trotting off to work and paying up the taxes that keep the war machine roaring and the predators' pockets bulging.

Please see related article:

Further information of how civilisation is rigged in their favour & always has been!


When it becomes clear it certainly all becomes clear.
It is somewhat bothersome though, It took me about 11 years to get to this point I just hope others are rather quicker on the uptake than me?

Mr. Fagan describes with documentary evidence how the ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a "One World Government".

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