NO BREXIT? #GiletsJaunes eye the City of London

in #news6 years ago (edited)

2 weeks ago I wrote that I was not convinced that the #GiletsJaunes protests in France were entirely grassroots in origin and I had good reason for thinking that.
However, the Gilets Jaunes seem to have grown far bigger than expected and have extended their demands way beyond the prescribed and weak narrative portrayed by our media at first.

NOW they are demanding an end to globalism. Now they want France out of the EU too.

The flame of passion seems to have increased when the protesters in Paris actually caught and ejected Turkish Communist groups plus other infiltrating masked and armed violent cells who were setting fires and smashing windows and burning cars. The police also gave the game away because they were SEEN not reacting and not arresting the perpetrators of the violence.

This has enraged the really genuine majority of ordinary French citizens so that they have taken to policing themselves. ANYONE who starts with violent actions is quickly dealt with by the protesters themselves.

Of course, the protest was originally designed to provide Macron with a justificaton for calling out the EU Army which he did with great joy, I am sure.
Ultimately he wanted the perfect excuse for the imposition of Martial Law, but even that has backfired badly because the French military generals have addressed Macron in an open letter declaring that they will not support him against the population.

All may well have been planned at the outset but it has been seen as such by the protesters themselves..... hence the escalation of rage, the spread to other countries and the present development of a clear anti globalist revolt.
The signing of the Global Migration Compact in Marrakech this week put the final icing on a very poisonous cake.
That event had been carefully kept under wraps by the United Nations and the governments of the participating countries, who have been aware of and preparing the Compact since 2016, long before the Brexit vote.

Here in Britain we have been patiently waiting for Treason Mayhem to deliver Brexit and we have watched with mounting fury at the constant obfuscation, postponement and vagueness of the negotiations.

The "deal" (if we can even call it that) is so obscene and blatantly mocking that Parliament erupted with derision.
It amounts to remaining in the EU, paying for the privilege but doing so without representation!

Every day we see and hear from our corrupt and #FakeNews #MSM that crashing out of the EU without a deal is going to lead to unprecedented disaster, loss of economic strength et bloody cetera.
I don't believe a word of that.

I am convinced that we should walk out of the EU with no deal and watch them come running after us with offers of all sorts of compromises.
I am further convinced that the Bank of England, the Treasury, all our Civil Service and of course the City of London will continue to do everything in their power to keep us in the EU and they are all actively working against the British democratic decision because IF we do walk away without a deal we can use a perfectly feasible and well organised WTO framework to continue trading smoothly and without a problem but for some reason that frightens them rigid.
Why would that be, do you think?

The independent nature of the City will be revealed and the inevitable and sudden awareness of that will enrage the hitherto deceived British public into getting behind a Labour government which will pull the best and most important legislative innovation out of their Magician's Hat.

The abolition of the City of London:

  • the independent tax haven
  • the viper in our nest
  • the heart of the globalist beast
  • the Black Nobility's super stronghold and primary lair
  • the foreign power sitting in the centre of our capitol city
  • the old Roman Enclave we know as the One Square Mile

So yeah. Now I feel it is right to get behind the #GiletJaunes and demand that our Brexit is completed, not at some point in the distant future.
NO. NOW and without a tether or a payment or a stupid backstop.
Just walk, Treason Mayhem, out of the EU and out of Number 10 Downing Street.
If you do not, beware the deluge of yellow that is about to remove you
and your Knights of the Bath from our sight forever.

Roman Light explains the Referendum by the Citizens Initiative during this interview which has been ghosted off the newsfeed and marked as spam by facebook every time I have tried to share it.


I do not live in Great Britain and so am probably not as familiar with all of the issues as many of those who do but I have never understood why the "no deal" scenario would be so awful. To me, it seems to be the best possible solution. Everything else seems to amount to extortion.

Our #FakeNews #MSM is full of fearmongering. They work for the City of London and are terrified that we will succeed in leaving the EU so they tell the public that we will starve to death with a "no deal" scenario.
That is madness but they get away with it because the population is seriously dumbed down in schools and universities.
Our young have been educated to trust the EU. They don't seem to know how to do their own research.

My first article expressed the same misgivings:

However, now having heard from activists in France that they have morphed their intentions into an anti-globalist stance I wrote this article.
One of the most important things which changed my mind was the French demand to leave the EU. If they had not demanded to do that I might have remained sceptical.
I do see the hidden hand but think that the common people have far over-ridden that over the past few weeks and the support they are receiving from other EU countries who also want to leave the EU is very encouraging.
I am a dedicated Brexiteer and getting more angry with the EU as they make our exit ever further away or more difficult.
I hate bureaucracy and being bossed around by an unelected drunk commission which earns a fortune answering to corporations and not the people.
I cannot wait until I see tumbleweed in Brussels.

I hope so too - this is a hard one to read!, it's being manipulated as it progresses, and although it's not exactly going to the zionist plan, I suspect they still have a few tricks up their sleeves

Soros is reputed to have poured his endless millions into the remain campaign before the referendum and ever since. We have useful idiots like George Monbiot and Caroline Lucas constantly demanding a "people's vote" when they have failed to accept the first people's vote and prove that they are globalists right down to their pinky toes.

The French labour union Vigi has called on its members working in the national police and in the Ministry of the Interior to start an indefinite strike on Saturday, joining the Yellow Vests movement. The statement was placed on Vigi's Facebook page on Wednesday.

Eddy Lonergan's own words ... not mine

"I wish the Brits would take the time to see whats going on here Roger. ... I'm a scouser living in Holland getting on 40 years now. .... It is just as bad, in some ways worse than in the UK. For example, Health Insurance is compulsory whether working or unemployed. My wife and I pay 250 euros per month and that is basic, no dentals, physios or extras. 2 major hospitals have shut down - there are no beds - the A&E is the same as the UK, families are asked to look after their parents because of shortages in Care.

The immigration problem is a laughing stock, food banks are noT coping, people in work are not making ends meet and are relying on food banks. .... Belgium, Germany and France have the same problems. Angela Merkel is stepping down as Prime Minister (Chancellor) but has forgot to tell everyone she has a secure high position in Brussels. .... Why would you want to be a member of a gang of pocket-filling thieves who do not care about their people? ... As for Junker ... don't get me started ....

The EU countries are crumbling and no f*cker gives a"dangle-doo-dandy", so GET OUT while you can and maybe others will follow suit". .... They are scaring and flexing their muscles and hoping that it will turn around, because the membership fee the UK puts in every year will have to be put up by the remaining countries. .... Holland will have to double their fee we've been told. ... What other countries can afford this?

Spain, Greece, Italy all bankrupt, so you see the EU does not want to lose the UK and will bully any way to try to win it over by threatening the Northern Ireland deal, the fishing deal, giving back Gibraltar and whatever else they can get their grubby hands on, so don't be fooled, it's not a bed of roses, things are bad here and like I said, in some matters its worse.

The riots in France are not just about fuel tax, its about living standards. .... Belgium and Holland have also taken up the baton with the Yellow Jacket Demonstrators because they're tired of it. .... Take the time to find out yourselves, then you will be glad of Brexit, and like I've said, with sense, holland will follow suit" ....


Mark Windows discusses the #GiletJaunes protests in France.


By their sometimes raucous revolt, the Gilets Jaunes understand that the current democratic process is a farce, and that democracy itself has become an illusion.

#GiletJanes #YellowVests takng on the predator #Globalist #PowerGrab "We are not your slaves"

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