
Because we spend more money on the military than something like the next ten countries combined? Not sure what "rebuilding" needs to be done. Whatever rebuilding is truly necessary shouldn't require the budget we currently have, much less a larger one. How much is enough? Part of the problem IS our foreign policy.

I feel like the spending we do on military doesnt reflect the need to 'rebuild'. The veterans and active duty personnel do not receive a fraction of the spending. It goes to whatever war or country building trend at the time. I think we should focus less on those type expenditures and more on our servicemen/women. This would also reflect in foriegn policy if we treat these people as investments instead of tools for pointless war.

I absolutely agree. But my point is that in doing those things, net spending should be a lot less. The problem is that when the president talks about "rebuilding", he is talking about significantly increasing net spending. I don't agree with doing that.

Thank you for giving me your view point. RESPECT

A standing army is the biggest threat to liberty. There should be no such thing as a 'military'; only a well-armed, dencetralized militia.

I think our standing army is ok as long as it is full of proud ,volunteering patriots who will defend the citizens of our country.

military of this country is no more than mercenaries for the global elite and the ruling corporatacracy that runs the world. Bring the draft back and you will quickly find out how many truly support the military industrial complex

Do you think we can have a military but not one that is funded for themilitary industrial complex? Like the continental army that was formed from milita? Is it a coincidence that milita and military are spelled the same way? Thank you for sharing your view. RESPECT

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