The FRN Daily News Brief 2020-02-20steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news5 years ago

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 8, articles about Democracy, Eu, Eurasia, Headline-News, Politics, Sweden, Isis, Mena, Russia, Syria, Turkey, Anglo-5, China, United-States, Crime, Defense, Science, Color-Revolution, Nato, Australia, United-Kingdom, Cia, Donbass, Malaysia, Netherlands, Ukraine.

Tags in this brief: Democracy, Liberalism, Nationalism, Sweden, HTS, Idlib, ISIS, China, Cyberwar, Geopolitics, US Imperialism, Neo-Ottomanism, Russia, Syria, Turkey, War, Coronavirus, Health, Terrorism, Julian Assange, NATO, UK Imperialism, War Crimes, False Flag, MH-17.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

Nationalists in Sweden are Finally the Biggest Party

Published 2020-02-20 19:23:15 by Guest Author in Democracy, Eu, Eurasia, Headline-News, Politics, Sweden

By Alexekin Rockowia - In recent opinion polls, the nationalist Sweden Democrats are the biggest party, gathering one-fourth of the voters. This is why parties that before excluded even talking with them, the Moderates and Christians Democrats, have now said that they are considering to rule with support from them. But is that really something good, both for the future of Sweden and for Sweden Democrats themselves? Truth be told: some of Sweden Democrats feel more comfortable in bomber jackets than suits or hanging around in night clubs than universities. Not rarely do we see proof of this in the... Continue ->

Tags: Democracy, Liberalism, Nationalism, Sweden

MAJOR: Russian Air force strikes Turkish-backed terrorists near Idlib

Published 2020-02-20 14:19:19 by Joaquin Flores in Eurasia, Headline-News, Isis, Mena, Russia, Syria, Turkey

SYRIA - On the evening of February 19th, Russian aviation inflicted powerful blows on terrorist positions in the Greater Idlib region - west of Aleppo and north of the administrative center of Idlib province. According to military sources, air raids were carried out in the immediate vicinity of the Turkish border, where from all the last weeks there has been a transfer of armored vehicles, weapons and special forces. These reports were confirmed by Al-Masdar News. The Russian Aerospace Forces attacked the positions of the militants of the Islamist alliance “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” (the HTS, the leading role in its composition... Continue ->

Tags: HTS, Idlib, ISIS

China Says US Is An EMPIRE OF HACKERS, Mocks Cyber-Accusations in Wake of Crypto AG Scandal

Published 2020-02-20 13:00:34 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, China, Eurasia, Headline-News, Politics, United-States

BEIJING - Washington accusing other states of leading cyberwarfare against the United States is like “a thief crying ‘stop, thief!’” Beijing said, reacting to revelations that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used Swiss cryptography firm Crypto AG to spy on hundreds of countries, which is almost the whole world. The US government has “conducted large-scale, organized and indiscriminate cyber theft, tapping and surveillance on foreign governments, businesses and individuals, a fact already well-known to all”, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Geng Shuang said at a daily briefing in Beijing, RT reported. These spying activities, which violate international law and undermine trust... Continue ->

Tags: China, Cyberwar, Geopolitics, US Imperialism

PESKOV: ‘Turkey's Threat of Military Operation Against SAA in Idlib Worst Case Scenario’

Published 2020-02-20 12:00:35 by Drago Bosnic in Crime, Defense, Eurasia, Headline-News, Mena, Politics, Russia, Syria, Turkey

MOSCOW - Turkey sending troops to Syria to fight against the government would be the ‘worst-case scenario’, Kremlin spokesman said after Ankara threatened that such an operation was imminent. Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday Ankara was prepared to launch a military incursion into Idlib to force the Syrian army out. Russia’s reaction to such a development would depend on what goals the Turkish troops decide to pursue, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, RT reported. “If it will be an operation against terrorist forces in Idlib, that would certainly be within the spirit of Russia’s agreements with Turkey”,... Continue ->

Tags: Neo-Ottomanism, Russia, Syria, Turkey, War

MAJOR: China's Massive Coronavirus Study Covering 44,000 Cases Reveals the True Nature of the Virus

Published 2020-02-20 11:00:56 by Drago Bosnic in China, Eurasia, Headline-News, Science

BEIJING - A newly published study from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) is offering a massive epidemiological insight into the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak. The paper examines more than 44,000 confirmed patients, finding over 80 percent of cases are only mild in severity. As cases of the novel coronavirus disease, now named Covid-19, cross 70,000, the World Health Organization’s Director-General says this new data addresses some gaps in our understanding. “These data give us a better understanding about the age range of people affected, the severity of the disease and the mortality rate,” says Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus “As such,... Continue ->

Tags: China, Coronavirus, Health

MAJOR: Turkey Deploys 300 Military Vehicles to Idlib, Arrests Almost 700 People Over Alleged Links to 2016 Coup (VIDEO)

Published 2020-02-20 10:00:00 by Drago Bosnic in Color-Revolution, Defense, Eurasia, Headline-News, Mena, Nato, Politics, Syria, Turkey

Idlib, Syrian Arab Republic - The Turkish Army has sent around 300 military vehicles to its so-called "observation points" in the Syrian province of Idlib, Haberturk reported. According to the broadcaster, the military trucks, armored vehicles, and self-propelled guns are heading to the de-escalation zone. This deployment comes after Ankara performed strikes against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), claiming that Damascus violated a ceasefire after several Turkish servicemen died during the army's attack at the observation point in Idlib. The Syrian government, however, stated that the various armed factions in Idlib – the last stronghold of jihadists in the country... Continue ->

Tags: Geopolitics, Neo-Ottomanism, Terrorism, Turkey, War

Almost 120 Doctors From 18 Countries Demand Assange's Torture Be Ended Before It's Too Late

Published 2020-02-20 08:00:52 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Australia, Crime, Headline-News, Politics, United-Kingdom, United-States

The Lancet - The pre-eminent medical journal The Lancet published a letter from 117 physicians and psychologists from around the world demanding an end to the psychological torture of Julian Assange. “Since doctors first began assessing Mr. Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2015, expert medical opinion and doctors’ urgent recommendations have been consistently ignored,” the letter, organized by a group of medical professionals known as Doctors for Assange and published on 17 February, says, according to Sputnik. In May 2019 UN torture expert Nils Melzer, along with two other medical experts who specialize in assessing torture victims, concluded that... Continue ->

Tags: Geopolitics, Julian Assange, NATO, UK Imperialism, US Imperialism, War, War Crimes

MH17 properly investigated?

Published 2020-02-20 07:00:13 by Guest Author in Anglo-5, Australia, Cia, Color-Revolution, Donbass, Eurasia, Headline-News, Malaysia, Nato, Netherlands, Politics, Russia, Ukraine, United-States

By Max from the Wharf - In this article the contents of four leaked MH17 Joint Investigation Team documents are analysed by me on behalf of Bonanza Media: DOC 1. Is a ‘Record Of Interview’ (ROI) between an officer of the Australian Federal Police and journalist Billy Six. DOC 2. As part of ‘OPERATION AVENELLA’ imagery specialist Shaun Ellis and geospatial specialist Tim Johns from Australia examined four images. DOC 3. WITNESS TESTIMONY is a Record Of Interview with a witness refuting the claim Ukrainian Air Force did not fly. DOC 4. LETTER about BUK Positions from the Dutch Military Information and Investigation... Continue ->

Tags: False Flag, MH-17

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