The FRN Daily News Brief 2019-09-13steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news5 years ago

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 11, articles about Colombia, Headline-News, Latin-America, Eurasia, Finance, Russia, Mena, Syria, Crime, Eu, Germany, Nato, Poland, Politics, Propaganda, Ukraine, Venezuela, France-Eurasia, Anglo-5, Entertainment, Fake-News, United-States, China.

Tags in this brief: Colombia, ELN, FARC, Russia, Russian Tourism, Lavrov, Syria, Economy, Eu, Nord Stream 2, Ukraine, Alcoholism, Guaido, Venezuela, De Gaulle, Macron, Western Hegemony, CNN, Geopolitics, International Relations, Russiagate, USA, Alternative For Germany, Euroscepticism, Germany, China, Huawei, Bolton.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

MAJOR: Did communist rebels bomb Colombia's main oil pipeline?

Published 2019-09-13 19:30:01 by Paul Antonopoulos in Colombia, Headline-News, Latin-America

TOLEDO - Colombian state oil company Ecopetrol reported on Thursday about a new bomb attack on the country's main pipeline, which caused an oil spill but left no casualties. The incident occurred late on Wednesday in a section of the Caño Limón-Coveñas pipeline in the rural area of ​​the northwestern city of Toledo. According to the company, members of the National Liberation Army (ELN) reportedly placed several explosives on the site to detonate the pipeline. For security reasons, a group of 20 Ecopetrol officials are hoping that the Colombian army to provide them security to repair the affected section, said... Continue ->

Tags: Colombia, ELN, FARC

Saint Petersburg UNWTO Forum: Russia Has a Massive Tourism Potential (VIDEO)

Published 2019-09-13 19:00:40 by Drago Bosnic in Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Russia

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation - Russia's Northern Capital, Saint Petersburg, hosted a session of the UNWTO's General Assembly. The UNWTO ((UN World Tourism Organization) forum, which gathered delegations from more than 150 countries, was held in Russia for the first time. Addressing the participants, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that it's symbolical that it's the Northern Capital that hosts the session. It's the city that attracts tourists from all over the world. The President hopes that the organization will accept Russia's request to hold World Tourism Day in the country. As President Putin stated, Russia's tourism potential is massive. Apart... Continue ->

Tags: Russia, Russian Tourism

Lavrov says war in Syria has 'really come to an end'

Published 2019-09-13 18:30:39 by Paul Antonopoulos in Eurasia, Headline-News, Mena, Russia, Syria

MOSCOW - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the war in Syria was over and stressed the need to promote a lasting solution to the crisis in the Arab country. "The war in Syria has really come to an end. The country is gradually returning to a normal and peaceful life. Some points of tension remain in territories that are not controlled by the Syrian government, such as Idlib and the eastern bank of the Euphrates," Lavrov said on Thursday. The minister believes that Syria's most important goals now are to provide humanitarian aid to civilians and "promote the political... Continue ->

Tags: Lavrov, Russia, Syria

EU Court Wants to Torpedo Nord Stream 2 (VIDEO)

Published 2019-09-13 18:15:25 by Drago Bosnic in Crime, Eu, Eurasia, Finance, Germany, Headline-News, Nato, Poland, Politics, Propaganda, Russia, Ukraine

BRUSSELS/MOSCOW - The European Court rescinded the European Commission's decision, which entitled Gazprom to run the OPAL natural gas pipeline at full capacity. The pipeline, which is 480 kilometers (300 miles) long, laid through Germany, connects the Nord Stream with the main European natural gas pipelines. The Czech Republic receives Russian gas through it, then transports it to the southern member-states and regions of the EU, such as Germany, France, Switzerland, and Italy. Thus far, it seems that Poland, a staunch US ally, and along with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the most Russophobic European Union member-state, is trying to undermine... Continue ->

Tags: Economy, Eu, Nord Stream 2, Russia, Ukraine

Russian Alcoholism: Reality or Myth (VIDEO)

Published 2019-09-13 17:45:59 by Drago Bosnic in Eurasia, Headline-News, Russia

MOSCOW - When thinking of stereotypes regarding Russia, people often think of Matryoshka dolls (famously and erroneously known as Babushka dolls), The Bear, AK-47, Space, Russian authors, Communism, ICBMs, Putin, etc. However, there are many negative ones, and one of the most persistent ones is the mythical Russian alcoholism. When thinking about an average Russian, a regular person outside Russia and the former USSR (especially in the West, thank you MSM) might think of an Addidas tracksuit guy, riding a bear, holding an AK-47 in one hand and a bottle vodka in the other (try reading it in a Russian... Continue ->

Tags: Alcoholism, Russia

MAJOR: Leaked PHOTOS of US-puppet Guaidó with Colombian narcoparamilitaries emerge

Published 2019-09-13 17:30:13 by Paul Antonopoulos in Colombia, Headline-News, Latin-America, Venezuela

CARACAS - Venezuelan opponent Juan Guaidó took pictures with Colombian narcoparamilitary leaders while reportedly receiving help from them to cross his country's border with Colombia in February. The photos were made public by the accusation of Wilfredo Cañizares, activist and leader of the Colombian Non-Governmental Human Rights Organization Foundation for Progress in the North of Santander (FPNS). According to Cañizares, the mysterious passage of Guaidó from Venezuela to Colombia was made with the help of Colombian criminals. On the occasion, Juan Guaidó went to the neighboring country to attend an event called Venezuela Aid Live, whose purpose was supposedly to... Continue ->

Tags: Colombia, Guaido, Venezuela

Macron: The End of Western Hegemony over the world

Published 2019-09-13 17:18:50 by Tom Winter in Eurasia, France-Eurasia, Headline-News

We find this Political analysis by Ramon Schack * in Multiperspektivisch French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron recently delivered a brilliant speech on the foreign policy objectives of Paris, a speech which regrettably received little attention from the German public. This may say something about the state of Franco-German relations, or it may well be due to the level of geopolitical debate in political Berlin -- about whose poverty you should not be under any illusions! This speech, which was more like a comprehensive analysis, was marked by a poignant sense of reality, as it is rather an exception today... Continue ->

Tags: De Gaulle, Macron, Western Hegemony

CNN at it Again: Russiagate 2.0 (VIDEO)

Published 2019-09-13 17:15:11 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Entertainment, Eurasia, Fake-News, Headline-News, Politics, Propaganda, Russia, United-States

WASHINGTON, D.C. - With Russiagate deader than ever (even revealing actual meddling on part of some other countries), the psychotic Russophobes in the US mainstream media are going insane, to say the least. They simply need another Russophobic trope, literally anything that could showcase the "evil Russia, evil Putin threatening our freedom and democracy". And even when they can't find literally anything, they do what they're best at. They LIE. Big time. They lie so much, that even the US President Trump has openly and repeatedly called them FAKE NEWS, which they most definitely are. Primarily because they did all... Continue ->

Tags: CNN, Geopolitics, International Relations, Russia, Russiagate, USA

MAJOR: AfD's Success Sends Shock Waves Across Europe, Is Merkel Era Coming to an End (VIDEO)

Published 2019-09-13 16:45:25 by Drago Bosnic in Eu, Eurasia, Germany, Headline-News, Nato, Politics

BERLIN - The troubled European Union is close to suffering another severe blow. Apart from the Brexit boondoggle, another front could soon be opening. And the battleground is none other than the backbone of the EU - Germany. Deep changing processes are also developing in German politics, although they aren't as dramatic as in the UK. However, they could drastically change the situation in the country in the coming years, and not only in the country but in the entire Old World. The regional elections in the east of Germany, in the states of Brandenburg and Saxony, now attract lots... Continue ->

Tags: Alternative For Germany, Euroscepticism, Germany

Sanctions accelerate Huawei's growth and cost US tech giants dearly

Published 2019-09-13 16:30:40 by Paul Antonopoulos in China, Eurasia, Headline-News

BEIJING - Huawei is increasingly introducing new technology-based products and services amid arbitrary US repression. The Chinese giant is gearing up for future barriers in western markets. As the company accelerates the construction of its own ecosystem and invests in key technologies, efforts to reduce dependence on US technology will also be a blow to some of North American technology companies, said an article published in the Global Times newspaper. US justice has attacked Huawei. In one of the most recent cases, a Chinese professor was accused by prosecutors of 'stealing' technology from a California-based company to benefit Huawei, according... Continue ->

Tags: China, Huawei

Venezuela celebrates resignation of 'one of America's favorite hawks'

Published 2019-09-13 15:30:04 by Paul Antonopoulos in Anglo-5, Headline-News, Latin-America, United-States, Venezuela

CARACAS - Venezuelan National Constituent Assembly President Diosdado Cabello celebrated the departure of "one of the [US'] favorite hawks," John Bolton, the now former White House National Security advisor. US President Donald Trump acknowledged that Bolton was out of line in his attitude towards Venezuela. #BoltonEstasBotado el imperialismo despide por la puerta trasera a uno de sus halcones preferidos para hacer la guerra en el mundo, nuestra Patria resistió todos sus ataques y seguimos de pie. Te metiste con Venezuela y ahora te secas, te lo dijimos Nosotros Venceremos!!— Diosdado Cabello R (@dcabellor) September 11, 2019 "#BoltonEstasBoted imperialism says goodbye... Continue ->

Tags: Bolton, Venezuela

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