The FRN Daily News Brief 2019-09-03steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news5 years ago

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 9, articles about Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Politics, Russia, Anglo-5, China, Eu, France-Eurasia, Nato, United-States, Mena, Syria, Poland, Iraq, North-Korea, Crime, Donbass, Ukraine, Israel, Lebanon, Defense.

Tags in this brief: Chechnya, Economy, Russia, Eu, France, Geopolitics, International Relations, USA, Idlib, Syria, War, 5G, Huawei, Poland, US, Corruption, Iran, Iraq, China, DPRK, HK, Hong Kong, Korea, Military, Ukraine, War Crimes, Hezbollah, Israel, Lebanon, Nuclear, Submarine.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

Putin Meets Kadyrov: Chechnya's Revival is Complete (VIDEO)

Published 2019-09-03 22:23:46 by Drago Bosnic in Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Politics, Russia

Grozny, Chechnya, Russian Federation - Russian President Vladimir Putin is known for his immaculate abilities as a statesman and a fantastic handling of Russia's global strategy. However, his handling of internal affairs is what makes him truly amazing. Just a mere decade ago, Chechenya was in a state of war, with Russian security forces still present and still fighting a terrorist uprising, albeit a very low-intensity one since 2001. Nowadays, it's a much different place, almost unrecognizable. More than 600 major projects worth more than 230 billion rubles ($3.4 billion) are being planned in the North Caucasus republic. Head of... Continue ->

Tags: Chechnya, Economy, Russia

MAJOR - MACRON: Era of the West is Over, Europe Can't Survive Without Russia (VIDEO)

Published 2019-09-03 17:53:12 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, China, Eu, Eurasia, Finance, France-Eurasia, Headline-News, Nato, Politics, Russia, United-States

PARIS - Last week, French President Emmanuel Macron was unexpectedly honest about the virtually imminent downfall of Europe if things went on the way they are now. He acknowledged the grave problems Europe has been facing lately, especially since the Ukrainian crisis in 2014. He stated that the era of Western hegemony is long gone and that new players, like Russia, China and India are leading the charge now. He expressed concern that Europe would soon fall prey to a new bipolar world, a world split between China and the US. However, the most striking statement was when he stated... Continue ->

Tags: Eu, France, Geopolitics, International Relations, Russia, USA

The Mystery of U.S Airstrikes On Terrorists In Idlib (VIDEO)

Published 2019-09-03 17:04:00 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Eurasia, Headline-News, Mena, Politics, Russia, Syria, United-States

Idlib, Syria - Officially "disturbed" by the USA's unilateral actions in Syria, the Ministry of Defense of Russia condemned the USA's unilateral actions in Syria. On Saturday, at 3:00 PM local time, with neither coordination with Russia and Turkey nor any attempts made to inform them, U.S. Air Force aircraft carried out an airstrike in the Idlib province, allegedly targeting an Al-Qaeda command post between the localities of Ma'arrat Misrin and Kafr-Haya. It resulted in multiple casualties and major damage. The airstrike comes at a time of tough negotiations on reestablishing the de-escalation zone in Idlib. Of course, the airstrike... Continue ->

Tags: Geopolitics, Idlib, International Relations, Russia, Syria, USA, War

US and Poland sign cooperation agreement on 5G networks

Published 2019-09-03 16:30:40 by Paul Antonopoulos in Anglo-5, Eurasia, Headline-News, Poland, United-States

WARSAW - The United States and Poland signed a cooperation agreement on 5G networks on Monday amid growing concern over China's telecommunications giant Huawei. US Vice President Mike Pence and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki signed the deal in Warsaw, where Pence is replacing President Donald Trump, who canceled his trip at the last minute because of Hurricane Dorian. The cooperation comes during a global battle between the US and Huawei, the world's largest maker of network infrastructure equipment, over alleged security breaches and its link with the Chinese government. The US-Poland agreement states: "Protecting these next generation communications networks... Continue ->

Tags: 5G, Huawei, Poland, US

Iraq closes US-funded TV station for 3 months after report on corruption

Published 2019-09-03 15:30:35 by Paul Antonopoulos in Headline-News, Iraq, Mena

BAGHDAD - Iraqi officials on Monday suspended the license of a US-funded TV station for three months after a program on corruption was aired. The report showed a possible case of corruption within Iraqi Sunni and Shiite religious establishments and accused prominent religious figures of benefiting from companies as a result of their connections with the state. The program has sparked protests on social networks, with some politicians demanding that the station offices in Iraq be closed. The Media and Communications Commission, the country's media regulator, on Monday demanded a public apology from broadcaster Al-Hurra and suspended its work for... Continue ->

Tags: Corruption, Iran, Iraq, US

North Korea unapologetic supports China against Hong Kong rioters

Published 2019-09-03 14:30:03 by Paul Antonopoulos in China, Eurasia, Headline-News, North-Korea

PYONGYANG - North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-Ho said the country supports the Chinese government on the Hong Kong issue. "The Korean Labor Party and the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea support the Communist Party and the Government of China in upholding the 'one country, two systems' principle," said Ri, quoted by a statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, issued at the end of negotiations with Chinese Chancellor Wang Yi. He emphasized that "Hong Kong is from China and no outside force can interfere" in its affairs. Since June 9, Hong Kong has been experiencing a wave... Continue ->

Tags: China, DPRK, HK, Hong Kong, Korea

MAJOR: Ukrainian Shells Explode just 40 Meters From OCSE Observers' Position (VIDEO)

Published 2019-09-03 13:45:05 by Drago Bosnic in Crime, Donbass, Eurasia, Headline-News, Nato, Politics, Ukraine

KIEV/DONBASS - OSCE observers came under fire in Donbass yesterday. According to the Joint Center for Control and Coordination, it happened in Kominternovo. The observers and the center's representatives arrived there to record the effects of shelling that happened a day prior.

This isn't the first time OSCE came under fire from the Ukrainian Army. It also happened in early July. Ukrainian Army's leadership is well aware of the fact that OSCE reporting independently about the war is not in their interest. The Western-installed puppets want to portray Russia, or at least Novorossiya as the aggressor, which means they... Continue ->

Tags: Military, Ukraine, War Crimes

Hezbollah announces start of 'new phase' of conflict with Israel

Published 2019-09-03 13:30:05 by Paul Antonopoulos in Headline-News, Israel, Lebanon, Mena

BEIRUT - Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has promised to start a "new phase" of conflict with Israel, saying that if the country attacks the group's positions, all "Israeli borders and forces will be at risk". In a televised speech on Monday, the movement's secretary general condemned the recent raids of Israeli drones in Lebanon, threatening to shoot down the next aircraft that violates the country's airspace. In what he described as a clear "message" to Israel, Nasrallah said the latest escalation of tensions marked the "beginning of a new phase" of a longstanding conflict with the Jewish state, adding that... Continue ->

Tags: Hezbollah, Israel, Lebanon

New nuclear submarine heading to the Pacific to bolster the Russian Navy

Published 2019-09-03 13:02:20 by Paul Antonopoulos in Defense, Eurasia, Headline-News, Russia

MOSCOW - The new Borei class attack submarine, Knyaz Oleg (Prince Oleg), will join the Russian Navy Pacific Fleet in 2020, media reported. The submersible was originally intended to operate in Russia's Northern Fleet, but the Russian Ministry of Defense later amended the decision to transfer it to the Pacific Ocean, writes the Izvestia newspaper, citing a source from the Russian Navy General Staff. According to the source, the ship, which will become the third of the Borei class in the Pacific Fleet, will be moored on the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula. The crew of the submarine has already been trained... Continue ->

Tags: Nuclear, Russia, Submarine

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