The FRN Daily News Brief 2019-08-19steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news5 years ago

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 10, articles about Eurasia, Headline-News, Iran, Mena, Russia, Anglo-5, United-States, Opinions, Syria, Finance, Latin-America, Venezuela, China, Science, Crimea.

Tags in this brief: Caspian Sea, Iran, Russia, China, Hong Kong, US, Idlib, Syria, YPG, 4-Day Workweek, Economy, Trump, Venezuela, International Relations, Bomb, Kremlin, WW2, Crimea, Sanctions, SAA.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

Iran seeks to establish a ferry service with Russia in the Caspian Sea

Published 2019-08-19 17:30:32 by Paul Antonopoulos in Eurasia, Headline-News, Iran, Mena, Russia

DERBENT, Russia - Iran plans to organize the ferry service with Russia in the Caspian Sea, said the interim chief of the Dagestan Republic, Vladimir Vasilyev. "[Iran] is ready to establish maritime communication with us, we support him," Vasíliev said. The official said that the idea is to open a route to Derbent, on the coast of Dagestan, and was convinced that "everything will work." On June 28, Iran's ambassador to Russia, Mehdi Sanaei, arrived in Derbent to address, among other issues, the development of bilateral relations, the growth of the flow of goods transported through the port of Majachkala,... Continue ->

Tags: Caspian Sea, Iran, Russia

China accuses the US of orchestrating "anti-Chinese criminal acts" in Hong Kong

Published 2019-08-19 16:30:12 by Paul Antonopoulos in Anglo-5, Eurasia, Headline-News, Russia, United-States

BEIJING - The Chinese government in a note presented by its Foreign Ministry accused the US of acting in collusion with criminals in the violent demonstrations that take place in Hong Kong. The document points to "American politicians conspiring with radical criminal elements of the Asian nation." The statement appears after the US Congress called on Beijing not to disperse the "peaceful" protests in Hong Kong and cease attacks on the autonomy of that territory. The Chinese Foreign Ministry stressed that "the misrepresentation of reality and the blind policy of double standards by US politicians scratch hysteria." "Any attempt to... Continue ->

Tags: China, Hong Kong, US

Idlib on Fire - Erdogan, the useful tool for the US and Israel

Published 2019-08-19 16:00:44 by Guest Author in Headline-News, Mena, Opinions, Syria

Point man to take advantage of US muddling and meddling in Syria by US State is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, clearly playing his hand as the "great NATO ally" posturing to avoid US sanctions, in light of Turkey's recent S-400 missile purchase and his attempt to fill a perceived power vacuum in the Middle East and Africa. RTE (Erdogan) has proven himself useful to the US-Israeli regime by providing weaponry to terrorists within the Idlib pocket. This video from Afrin (Turkish-held) shows just two pieces of armor provided by Turkey to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorists in Idlib. The APC shown is... Continue ->

Tags: Idlib, Syria

IRAN DEFENDS SYRIA, says US actions in Syria violate the country's sovereignty

Published 2019-08-19 15:30:55 by Paul Antonopoulos in Anglo-5, Headline-News, Iran, Mena, Syria, United-States

TEHRAN - US actions in northeastern Syria aimed at creating the so-called security zone undermine the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty, said Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abas Musavi. "US behavior in northeastern Syria is an open attack on Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity and is contrary to the principles of international law and the UN Charter," Musavi said in the Foreign Ministry's Telegram. He also noted that "the latest statements and agreements by US officials in the security zone in northeastern Syria are provocative and cause for concern." In recent years, Turkey has repeatedly threatened to launch an offensive against... Continue ->

Tags: Iran, Syria, US, YPG

VIDEO: Russian Ministry of Labor Might Cut Workweek to Just 4 Days

Published 2019-08-19 15:06:46 by Drago Bosnic in Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Russia

MOSCOW - The Russian Ministry of Labor received a letter from the Russian Federation of Independent Unions about the introduction of a four-day workweek. The ministry noted that the Labor Code doesn't prohibit introducing such a schedule but it sets forth a maximum length of a four-day week at 40 hours. The Ministry of Labor noted that they'll have to discuss this in detail with both employers and representatives of the union. Such an arrangement of the workweek brings a lot of benefits, including more free days in the week and, according to recent research, it could also help boost... Continue ->

Tags: 4-Day Workweek, Economy, Russia

MAJOR: Trump suggests for US Navy to blockade Venezuela

Published 2019-08-19 14:30:00 by Paul Antonopoulos in Anglo-5, Headline-News, Latin-America, United-States, Venezuela

WASHINGTON DC - US President Donald Trump reportedly consulted with his advisers on the possibility of imposing a naval blockade on Venezuela. According to media reports, citing US government officials, the US president has suggested extensive use of the US Navy along the Venezuelan coast. The measure, according to sources familiar with the matter, would impede international trade in the country, reported the portal Axios Media. "He literally just said we should get the ships out there and do a naval embargo," said an Axios source. "I'm assuming he's thinking of the Cuban missile crisis," the source added. "But Cuba... Continue ->

Tags: Trump, US, Venezuela

VIDEO: Huawei Stepping Up Cooperation with Russian IT Giants

Published 2019-08-19 13:59:57 by Drago Bosnic in China, Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Russia, Science

MOSCOW/BEIJING - Huawei is one of the largest tech giants in the world. It's a premier supplier of 5G network equipment and the most prolific competitor to Western tech giants, such as Google, matching and sometimes even outperforming them. Due to this, the United States of America, as well as some other Western countries have tried incriminating Huawei of espionage, even imposing sanctions and imprisoning top Huawei leaders and managers. Google even threatened to cancel support for the Android operating system for Huawei products. All of this has caused Huawei to start looking for better and more reliable partners elsewhere.... Continue ->

Tags: China, Economy, International Relations, Russia

VIDEO: WWII Bomb Found Near Kremlin

Published 2019-08-19 12:46:06 by Drago Bosnic in Eurasia, Headline-News, Russia

MOSCOW - Kremlin Press Service has stated a WWII bomb was defused after being found in an untouched Imperial-era cellar. The weapon was dropped by the Luftwaffe. Russian officials said they had defused the WWII bomb in the Kremlin, which was undetected in a cellar since 1941. The Kremlin was under reconstruction when archaeologists found the bomb on Thursday, Russian media revealed. The Kremlin's chief commander, Sergey Khlebnikov, told the news agency Ria Novosti they had taken every necessary measure to ensure the safety of the people working in the Kremlin, as well as of Kremlin itself. Almost 80 years... Continue ->

Tags: Bomb, Kremlin, Russia, WW2


Published 2019-08-19 11:29:57 by Drago Bosnic in Crimea, Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Russia, Science

Crimea, Russian Federation - Russian Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol are an area of crucial importance in the southwestern corner of Russia. After the return of Crimea in 2014, NATO and EU countries imposed sanctions on Russia, with the most punishing sanctions being specifically for Crimea. This was supposed to cripple the economy of the peninsula and make the living conditions for its inhabitants unbearable. However, being a Ukrainian backwater for decades after the collapse of USSR made Crimeans quite resilient, so the sanctions didn't do much, if anything at all. In the meantime, the... Continue ->

Tags: Crimea, Economy, Russia, Sanctions

MAJOR: Backed by Russian bombers, Syrian army closes siege on jihadist-held Khan Shaykhun

Published 2019-08-19 05:38:22 by Paul Antonopoulos in Headline-News, Mena, Syria

IDLIB - The Syrian army seized a checkpoint northwest of Khan Shaykhun in Idlib province and surrounded the city, a source said on Sunday. The Al-Watan newspaper reported, citing sources, that the Syrian Army entered Khan Shaykhun, controlled by the terrorist group Al-NUsra Front and its allies, and eliminated numerous radicals while dozens of fighters fled. "The Syrian Army took over the checkpoint of Al-Fakir in the northwest of the city and carried out the siege," said the source. Earlier it was reported that the Syrian army would be moving east and west of Khan Shaykhun, located on the M5... Continue ->

Tags: Idlib, SAA, Syria

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