RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA | MSM, Politicians, And A Russian Exile All Promoting Fake News Red-Scare Propaganda In The UK

in #news7 years ago


It looks as if the Russia narrative has started to intensify in the UK. This time its the right attacking the left claiming the leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, was a communist spy working for the Czechoslovakia intelligence service during the cold war.

The Sun newspaper published documents from the Czech secret service purportedly showing that Corbyn met with Czechoslovakian diplomat Jan Sarkocy (who later turned out to be a spy) in the 1980s. Corbyn confirms the documents are genuine and agrees he did have a conversation with the diplomat, but insists he never knew Sarkocky was a spy.


CORBYN AND THE COMMIE SPY Jeremy Corbyn met a Communist spy during the Cold War and ‘briefed’ evil regime of clampdown by British intelligence | The Sun - 02/14/2018

New-found comrade, who was given the code-name COB, even warned the Soviet-backed spies of a clampdown by British intelligence during the height of the war. Jeremy Corbyn met a communist spy at the height of the Cold War and warned him of a clampdown by British intelligence, according to secret files obtained by The Sun.

A statement denying the allegations was made to the press by a Labour party spokesmen after one of Corbyns main critics, the recently appointed UK Conservative Defense secretary Gavin Williamson, attempted to endorse the fictions story by promoting it online.



So, who is Gavin Williamson and why is he being so vocal about all of this? well, much of it probably has to do with his relationship to Tory mega-donor and Ukrainian/Russian oligarch, Alexander Temerko. Temerko, an outspoken critic of the Kremlin, was given asylum in the UK after being charged with fraud in Russia in 2003. Coincidenlty (or not) a few days after Mr Willaimsons comments The Sun newspaper made public Mr Temerkos support for Williamson.

GAVIN FOR PM? Big-money Tory donor endorses Gavin Williamson as ‘like Churchill’ in fresh leadership headache for PM Theresa May | The Sun - 02/20/2018

  • THERESA MAY faced a fresh leadership headache last night after a major Tory donor tipped her Defence Secretary as a future Churchill.
  • Ukrainian-born Alexander Temerko — a former boss of collapsed Russian firm Yukos Oil — has thrown his weight behind Gavin Williamson, according to pals.
  • The multi-millionaire energy businessman — who successfully fought a Kremlin-ordered extradition to Russia in 2005 — has given the Conservatives more than a million pounds.

Why would the Sun print such an outlandish story? The owner of the Sun newspaper is the Australian born media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch. Murdochs company Newscorp also owns fox news, and in 2016, before Donald Trump announced he would run for President, Murdoch begged the then head of Fox news, Roger Ailes, to support Hillary Clinton at all costs. He later switched sides when he realized he would be better off economically supporting Trump. This isn't the first time he has jumped parties to advance his business interests. In recent years Murdoch switch from supporting Thatcher to supporting war criminal Tony Blair.

Neither is this the first time a British MP, or a Murdoch owned newspaper, has tried to promote red hysteria. Back in October 2017 The Times newspaper published a story that was literally verging on propaganda about a subversive and ironic advertisement campaign RT ran on the London underground.

The worst of Times: Establishment paper keeps up attack on RT over London tube ads | RT - 10/19/2017

‘Provocative adverts for Kremlin-owned television channel’ is the familiar opening for the Times’ latest knickers in a twist article on RT, as the Murdoch-owned broadsheet joined the angry scrum to condemn a tongue-in-cheek advertising campaign on the London Underground. A commenter under the Times article itself poses perhaps the most pertinent question: “What happened to our world-famous sense of humor?”

Sound familiar? A Russian exile? charged with fraud? turning on Russia? There have been a number Russian exiles that have been used as propaganda tools on both sides of the pond by the people that have been looking to shape the narrative over the last year or so.

What appears to be happening in this recent case in the UK is that behind the scenes Temerko encouraged Williamson to spread the story about Corbyn being a spy to further promote Russian hysteria in the UK, and in return Temerko would give Williamson his full support and help Williamson in his race to becoming the next leader of the Conservative party.

What a surprise, yet again the main stream media with there globalist agendas and a Russian with a grudge are at the center of it all.



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This is quite hilarious...You spend all of your school years being told by teachers to grow up and act your age. Then you become a politician or a journalist and you get told to act like a gossiping teenager, calling people names.

lol yes. When you put it like this it does seem ludicrous. I wonder if they ever grew up.

In the development of any country, depends on politicians and workers ,politicians and residents living in this country would be as nail if they both started working together, so that the country could not stop development, so every country's residents need to develop the country. Politicians and workers work together

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