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RE: Wikileaks Fully Exposed (IsraeliLeaks)

in #news8 years ago

You should be ashamed of yourself. I've screen capped so I can show it to you in a few weeks time. Hopefully by that time you will be suitable embarrassed. This post is based on nothing more than hearsay and conjecture.

Check previous comment.


Good, I expect an apology when you realize this was right. Just for the record, the video claims to EXPOSE not provide some kind of document. This video gives you a good idea of what people Julian works with, and whose intrests he leans towards as well I direct connections with Rothschilds and other corrupt groups. Nothing in this video is hearsay other than the Pizzagate bit, which if you want to go there, 99% of Pizzagate is hearsay.

I give up.
If you expose something you show it for what it really is.

So you are going to call me a conspiracy nut and a Liar in a round about way and then say you didn't even put in the effort to check out everything I provided first.

Maybe it's time to look in the mirror and check if you being truthful with yourself. Believing what makes you feel good without looking into the people giving you that info is dangerous and leads you down the wrong path my friend.
If you want to ACTUAL debunk something, look at the information first. Maybe you will actual learn something.

Have a great day!

This has been going on for nearly 3 days now. I have seen lots of these videos you guys post me. Yes I have watched that video. In fact that video you just posted me was from the @TitusFrost post 3 days ago. This is what started it all off.

I can pick it apart for you again if you want me to.

Look. I'm not here to be a pain in your backside but you guys have got to use some critical thinking.

Yes have your views and opinions but to spit them so loudly as truth can be very dangerous.

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." George Orwell

If showing people facts about a person is dangerous, it was their fault for bringing those facts into reality. Also, asking me to not speak my opinion is about as Orwellian as it gets. Really man, its time to check your own principals.

(Reply to later comment)
I've never told you or anyone to not voice your opinion. But to voice it so loudly with such gusto with little facts will come back and bite you.

I did upvote your orwell quote thought, It's an important one.

Anyway at least I've made you think.

Hopefully I've made you think as well. My voice is very loud when peoples actions lead to war, oppression and loss of freedom.

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